Home Beverages Germany says goodbye to beer?

Germany says goodbye to beer?

Can you imagine a Germany without beer? It costs us a lot. And, it is that, it is automatic to relate this drink with the Germanic country. However, more and more Germans are opting for put the beer aside. This has been shown by the German statistical agency. You want to know why? We tell you right now.

Germans are drinking less and less beer

Germany is very much characterized by great passion they have for beer. They even have a festival dedicated especially to her! The Oktoberfest. However, for several years your consumption is declining. This has been demonstrated by the German statistical agency, in charge of analyzing, annually, the evolution of alcoholic beer consumption in Germany. Non-alcoholic beer and those imported from outside the European Union are left out of this investigation.

In 2021, beer sales in Germany reached 8.500 million liters. Said like this, it sounds like a lot, but it represents a decrease of 2,2% compared to the previous year. That is, a setback of 187,7 million of litres. As reported by the Federal Statistical Office, destiny. It could be justified that it has been a bad year and blame the global pandemic of covid-19. In this way, Destatis has defended that this impact could have been due to the closure of restaurants and cancellation of large events because of the lockdowns.

German drinking beer / source: pexels

However, it is not computable, since this year has been the second consecutive in which this sales index falls. Moreover, since before 1995 the consumption of this alcoholic beverage has been reduced. If we go back to 1970, we can see that the Germans drank around 150 liters of beer per year. In 1991 this number had already fallen to 141. As stated by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. At the moment these numbers have fallen by almost a third.

What has caused this disinterest?

This question is as unexpected as it is researched. Therefore the expert Walter Konig of the Bavarian Brewers Association has explained in the newspaper TheLocal: “For years, this number has been slowly decreasing”. The expert tries to explain it by arguing that "one of the reasons is the greater mobility we have today and the stricter traffic rules”. Which limit the amount of alcohol ingested when taking the car to drive.

In addition, he states that "Before people did not have to drive so much, they were closer to your work. We also have less work in agriculture or physical work. There is more brain work”. In other words, König believes that people have to drive to go to work. A) Yes are exposed to accidents and fines, caused by strict regulations against alcohol consumption. This would be the main reason why Germans consume fewer beers during the week. Causes of this reduction in its sale.

Germans getting healthier

We recall that this study only included alcoholic beers. Important mention since non-alcoholic beer consumption has grown exponentially in recent years. Just as it has innovated and has extended the range of this type of drink. In part, to avoid the previously mentioned inconveniences. but also why contains fewer calories. “In people's minds, beer is not healthy. The consumption of anything that seems unhealthy has decreased,” says Walter König.

various types of beers / source: instagram user @ porpuroguzto

Adding that “There is more awareness about health, although with a false understanding: beer in moderation is healthy”. At the same time that more and more Germans say no to beer, bottled water consumption has increased. It has practically doubled, from consuming 79 liters per person to 160. However, wine intake has barely changed.

The results of this German study reflect, to a greater or lesser extent, the current situation in many countries. Since the reasons argued by the expert occur all over the world. Reserve the consumption of beer for important occasions or free moments of celebration, it seems to us a very responsible choice. But don't worry if you drink a couple of them either. The important is reduce your consumption, not eliminate it. And you? Do you feel like you drink less beer than before?
