Home News Enviroscore: the new environmental label

Enviroscore: the new environmental label

What is envirocore? A labeling system en 5 stops (A, B, C, D and E) that identifies the environmental impact de food and drinks. Its main objective is promote a consumption more responsible by consumers. Consequently, it will also encourage a more sustainable production. But how it works? who has developed? You will be able to know all the information about it in this article. Keep reading!

About Enviroscore…

This environmental labeling is similar to Nutriscore, the well-known system that identifies the nutritional quality of products. Of course, only in terms of how to represent the results: the scale and the colors. The reason is that it is the model more intuitive easier to understand for consumers. The simplification information is key to maintaining the population's interest in this issue. If the data is confusing, the buyer will be dazed and stop paying attention. However, the analysis methodology used by envirocore and the sources consulted are naturally different.

envirocore is based on the Product Environmental Footprint (HAP), methodology developed by the European Union. The system calculates the total environmental impact of the products. From food and drinks to batteries, paints, etc. In this way, integrate 16 different categories. That is, the consumer reads a single final score (A, B, C, D or E) that encompasses aspects such as the potential for climate change, the depletion of the ozone layer, water pollution, the depletion of fossil resources or toxicity, among others.

La HAP works. Provides more environmental information reproducible, comparable and verifiable than that obtained with any other method relative to the Lifecycle of a product, from the extraction of the raw materials to the end of the product's life. Imola Bedo, member of the environmental footprint team of the European Commission.

What could be achieved with this system?

El 50% of the people surveyed by the team of envirocore they think that it is not easy to identify environmentally friendly products. Therefore, this tool will provide consumers with a single flow of information. As a consequence, they will be able to compare products and choose the one that generates the least environmental impact. Thus, they will promote shopping habits more sustainable that will encourage companies to produce their products in harmony with the environment.

After validation with 150 food products, it has been concluded that the system is capable of both capturing the variability of impact between the different food and beverage products and discriminating, within the same type of products, those products with "worse" processing techniques. production, excessive packaging or long transportation distances. Saio Ramos, researcher in the area of Efficient and Sustainable Processes of AZTI.


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The increased demand for more environmentally friendly products leads to a unique behavior. Companies will promote ecodesign of all its products within the entire supply chain. In addition, they will be able to communicate it to their consumers in a simple

Who has created this system?

The creators of this labeling system are the experts of AZTI. This scientific and technological center develops cutting-edge projects, products and technologies aimed at promoting a more "healthy, sustainable and integrated" society. On this occasion he has worked online with the EIT Food for the European Comission, a food innovation initiative. It also has the support of Basque government. The University of Louvain, riding a Belgium, has also participated in the development of this technology.

We believe that the promotion and creation of these tools is essential to make more aware society of the precarious situation in which we find ourselves. We must act and if we don't all go in unison it will be much more complicated. This system will promote positive actions for our planet. The consumer will begin to reconsider choosing one product or another based on its sustainability. And the small actions are the ones that achieve big changes. From Gastronomic Information We will continue to inform you about all the news and betting for the most healthy and sustainable.
