Home Oils and vinegars Basil: all its benefits

Basil: all its benefits

Through a study, the Cellbitec Foundation and a group of researchers have demonstrated the properties of the seed oil of basil. Eating this food provides omega-3, a very beneficial for our body. We tell you all the details about this new investigation.

Basil seed oil

The Cellbitec Foundation has joined forces with a group of researchers from the University of Granada and several agrobiotechnological companies to develop this study. In it, the benefits of consuming this new source of omega-3. Scientists have managed to show that the seed oil of basil It has the ability to transform into different areas of the body.

All the results of the study dictate that this oil is ideal as a dietary supplement. It is also ideal for treat obesity, colon cancer or metabolic syndrome. Nor is it to disdain its contribution of vitamins. These nutrients strengthen the immune system and prevent memory loss. Like all herbs, it has few calories, which makes it ideal for diets.

Basil seed oil. / Source: Granada Today

The importance of aromatic herbs

We use more and more aromatic herbs in our kitchen. They are versatile, tasty in taste and very beneficial for our body. Until now it was common to take them as an infusion, but more and more we incorporate them into our dishes. They add flavor and freshness to any recipe. It is recommended to use them recently collected, since they wither easily.

In our kitchen there has never been a lack of parsley or bay leaf, aromatic herbs par excellence. But every time we dare more with coriander, dill or basil. The latter is famous for being one of the main ingredients of the salsa pesto. This Italian seasoning is one of the best accompaniments to pasta.

All aromatic herbs contribute health and life to our organism. Some benefits that are demonstrated in each study that is carried out. Now that you know, do you dare to cook with these types of plants?
