Home Oils and vinegars What is the best private label olive oil?

What is the best private label olive oil?

El virgin olive oil o extra virgin It is not lacking in practically any Spanish home. We use it daily. For toast, for cooking, for dressing salads, etc. In other countries the AOVE (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) is considered a luxury product. In Spain, it is not that expensive, but it is around the 5 euros a liter. However, the offer is so great that many times we choose one or the other by looking at the price, for example. The OCU (Organization of Consumers and Users) makes it easy for us ¿Do you want to know which is the best olive oil for White brand? Keep reading!

La OCU has been analyzing extra virgin olive oils for more than twenty years, from the year 2000 . The last one he did, in the year 2018 revealed a big disappointment for the consumers. Of the 41 EVOO analyzed 20 they weren't really extra virgins. They were only virgins, but they sold them as if it were a superior quality what a highest priceIn addition deception. Thus, the organization denounced the fraud to the competent authorities.

The best olive oils / new olive oil standard
Olive oil, liquid gold/ Source: Pixabay

It seems that the situation has improved a lot, since in this recent study the analysis only detected two virgin olive oils that were advertised with qualifier "extra". However, the reduction of 20 misleading and fraudulent products to just shows a big difference. This shows the effectiveness of the work of the OCU. It should be noted since it is a great guide for all consumers. Thanks to her we can find great products in our supermarkets affordable prices and with a scientific guarantee.

Difference between virgin and extra virgin

Before we dive right in and name the best private label extra virgin olive oils let's know the difference between a virgin oil extra virgin. The physical procedures applied to the olives for the elaboration of both is the same. That is, pressing, washing, decantation, centrifugation and filtration. In no case is there refining. The main difference lies in the degree of acidity and the organoleptic qualities.

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) when the acidity is a maximum of 0,8 degrees, at the same time that in the organoleptic analysis a certain fruitiness is determined and no defect is observed. Virgin olive oil It is the oil that can have a higher degree of acidity, up to 2 degrees, and in the organoleptic analysis some minimal defect in smell or taste is allowed. OCU

What is the best private label olive oil according to the OCU?

It should be noted that the analysis carried out by the OCU It is more than correct and reliable. In the first place, because the oils have been taken to specialized and certified laboratories for the Insights of oil. And, secondly, because they have followed the european criteria. The 39 oils analyzed belong to large distribution brands as for example, Maeva, Ybarra, Carbonell, Masters of Hojiblanca and own distribution as Auchan, Squire cons. 

The best product is Oleoestepa oil, with DO (Denomination of Origin) of Steppe. This has obtained a score of 89 points on 100 in his presentation at PET bottle (plastic) de 1 liter. The price is also not above average: 4,99 euros a liter. The second oil was brand Alcampo, Auchan, with a score of 86 points on 100 and a price of $4,89.


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The two oils that they are not extra and that they will have to face the complaint filed by the OCU They are as follows. Borges and Olivar de Segura they have not passed the Insights, since they do not meet the criteria required to carry the EXTRA commercial label. However, the rest of the products have obtained good scores and none of them has adulteration (mixed with cheaper seed oils, olive, refined or pomace). You already know what the two best options are. However, you can check the 35 remaining if you're member of the OCU.

When we talk about food we get serious. We must demand the best quality possible to a Reasonable price. That's why we can't accept fraud ni tricks by some companies.
