Home Oils and vinegars What to do with used oil?

What to do with used oil?

There are still people who have doubts about what to do with used oil. Some out of ignorance, others out of comfort or carelessness, there is a significant number of consumers who use the sink as a solution to get rid of the oil used in the kitchen.

It should be clear that the oil when it can no longer be used in our kitchen it should not be thrown down the sink. It is important that this oil is repackaged, once cold, and taken to a collection and recycling point. For this, the local administrations have put some orange containers to deposit the used oil.


Reduce and take advantage of used oil

Like any other product, we must manage the oil well and use what is really necessary. Also give the correct life to the oil, which degrades with the temperature to which it is subjected. Try to reuse the oil from some frying if possible, filter it and if it is in good quality condition, use it again. Once we decide that the oil can no longer be used, it must be bottled, once cold, and taken to a recycling point. In addition, they are often social entities that manage this collection.

It is true that we could make candles or soap with a home-made process, but currently very few people do it. We must insist that all households have an easy way to pack used oil, even if it is a very small amount.

The cheapest for everyone.

When we make the mistake of throwing oil, even a small amount, down the sink, we are contributing to clogging the pipes in our home or community. All this, sooner or later, has a higher maintenance cost. Add that when this oil reaches the water treatment plants it creates a large number of problems and economic costs for each of the municipalities or entities that manage them.

If the oil finally reaches a river or the sea, it causes a lot of damage, since it is estimated that only one liter of oil contaminates more than a thousand liters of water, directly affecting the fauna and flora.


