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Wines without sulphites: do they exist?

Wine is one of the most glamorous accompaniments for elegant dinners and lunches. The new trend of so-called natural wines is...

White wine to conquer the market

Spain is one of the leading countries in wine production, consumption and trade. Its characteristics make most of these broths count...

Generation Z and wine

Beer bars, cocktails, wine tastings... Each generation focuses on a different gastronomic model, and usually has a lot to...

Expired beer: can you drink it?

We all have bottles of alcohol at home that have been forgotten in the pantry because their only purpose is to fill the glasses with...

We are going to a festival with Muwi La Rioja

We already have the poster with the complete list of the artists that will be part of the Muwi La Rioja Music Fest. A festival that aims...

Rosé wine: great ally at your table

The word "Lambrusco" probably comes to mind when you think of rosé wine. The truth is that there is much more and...

Frizzante is not sparkling wine

The world of oenology is much more complex than it seems. That is why certain confusions appear with recurrence. One of...

Greece: the oldest wine in Europe?

It is said that wine improves with age. And it is that the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki has found prehistoric remains of this drink...

Wine Routes of Spain: New addition!

The Spanish Wine Routes Club has added a new route to its army of wine-growing territories, the Txakolí route. Through...

The best non-alcoholic cava in the world

Due to the measures implemented by the government or because of a healthier diet, consumers choose to stop or reduce their consumption of...