Home News White wine to conquer the market

White wine to conquer the market

Spain is one of the leading countries in wine production, consumption and trade. Its characteristics mean that most of these wines have the seal of Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). According to the Spanish Wine Market Observatory, white wine grows more than red or rosé. We tell you all the details.

the numbers speak

Spain is the leading country in wine consumption. every spanish consumes 0,46 liters per year of this fermented grape juice. Taking into account the data referring to November 2021, red wine continues to be the great dominator, but with a great slowdown compared to white wine. The latter has gone in the last eleven years from representing 20% ​​of the total to around 30% of the market.

Even so, red represents 66% of the Spanish market and rosé 5%. In other words, white grape wines have rapidly evolved to the detriment of the other two types of wine. As far as exports are concerned, white wine has grown at a rate of 7,3%. On the other side of the board are the somewhat slower rhythms of red and rosé, which increased by 6,9% and 4,9%respectively.

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A glass and bottles of white wine. / Source: cochinillosegoviano.es

Nice and fresh white wine

Although all wines come from grapes, there are quite a few differences between red and white wines. The former are made with the skin of the grape, but in the case of the latter, detaches her. In this way they get that characteristic color. the temperature of grape maceration is another aspect to take into account. The red grape reaches 25-30º, and the white, 17-19º.

white wine is more fresh, pleasant and easier to drink than red or rosé, which means that it reaches more people. In recent years, fashions have changed and this drink wins more adept, since it pairs better with certain dishes, especially with fish and shellfish, pasta and rice dishes. The red is still the faithful squire for red meats, and rosé for fish, appetizers and vegetables.

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Glasses and bottles of different types of wine. / Source: Schoolinary Blog

Denominations of origin

As we have already mentioned, Spain is one of the countries that produces the most wine and the most Protected Designations of Origin have. Among the main denominations specializing in white wine, two stand out: the Wheel, leader in the national market, and that of Rías Baixas, which has shown muscle in the international market.

In the export market, the Rías Baixas represents 35% of the market, followed by the 18% of Txakoli, 13% from Rueda and 3,3% from Valdeorras. Even so, Spanish white wine still has a market to conquer. As for the red, the appellations of Rioja and Ribera de Duero continue to conquer markets nationally and internationally.

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Vineyards in a small village in the Rías Baixas (Galicia). / Source: Rías Baixas Denomination of Origin

The benefits of white wine

It has always been said that having a glass of wine at mealtime has benefits. According to a study conducted by the University of Hohenheim, drinking white wine is very beneficial for health. Have a glass of this drink protect the heart cardiovascular attacks and prevents lung diseases. In turn, it improves capacity of our brain, helping to prevent neurodegenerative diseases.

Following a diet accompanied by a glass of white wine facilitates a faster weight loss. Although without losing sight of the need to combine sports activity with a balanced and varied diet. Drink this drink at night promotes rest and contributes to increased hours of deep sleep.

As we have already explained throughout the article, there is a eye very clear about the production, trade and consumption of Spanish white wine. This has to do with the fact that it is gradually approaching new audiences, especially women and young people. But also men those who consume the most this drink, who did not like the white too much and used to consume only the red. And you, why did you come betting?
