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Tag: cereals

Burgol: Arabic super cereal?

Have you ever heard of the burgol? If you haven't, don't worry, we'll tell you all the details about this food...

Buckwheat flour: the most nutritious?

Buckwheat flour has been used in our diet for decades, but it is now that it is reaching the highest levels of fame. East...

Wholemeal pasta: much better than white?

In this article we deal with whole wheat pasta, a fashionable product. The resounding claim that carbohydrates are evil on earth...

Other flours

There are many people who, for different reasons, demand other flours. In this article you will see that there is life beyond wheat. It's more,...

A Choco Krispies cereal beer!

Rosita Kellogg's Choco Krispies is a unique craft beer with these cereals made by the Tarragona brewery La Gardenia. Discover its history.

Mote, the durable ancestral corn

Natural wisdom in the treatment of corn

Teff, the cereal from above

It is known as the Ethiopian wheat