Home Cereals and legumes Wholemeal pasta: much better than white?

Wholemeal pasta: much better than white?

In this article we treat the wheat pasta, a fashion product. The resounding statement that carbohydrates are evil on earth has badly tarnished his image. However, the followers of paleolithic diet They are not entirely without reason. That is, its excessive consumption and in the wrong way can seriously harm us. However, some are healthier than others and those that come from whole grains They have many benefits. What happens in the case of pasta?


Wholemeal pasta: so different?

Is the lethargy you feel after a good plate of pasta a habit for you? If the answer is yes, you are still interested in switching to whole wheat pasta. It is not that we make a suggestion based on our own experience, but on data. White pasta is quite different from whole wheat. To begin with, the white one is made with refined wheat flour. It lacks, unlike the integral, two fundamental parts of the cereal: the germ and the bran.

Thus, its nutritional contribution is somewhat scarce. To give you an idea, uA serving (56 grams) of whole wheat pasta contains 180 calories, 39 grams of carbohydrates, 8 grams of protein, 7 grams of fiber and minerals such as magnesium, iron and zinc. Meanwhile, one of white pasta contains 200 calories, 42 grams of carbohydrates, 7 grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber, and some iron, but no magnesium or zinc.

wheat pasta
To prepare wholemeal pasta, all the cereal is used / Source: Pixabay


Complex carbohydrates

As you can see, the white one contains more calories but less than half fiber. This is essential for the well-being of your digestive system. It also lacks key minerals such as magnesium or zinc. As if that were not enough, the carbohydrates in the white are simple. Its high glycemic index implies a peak energy which translates into a drop as sharp as the rise. In contrast, wholemeal pasta is made up of complex carbohydrates, which provide you with energy in a sustained manner over time.

This detail also assumes that your satiating power be much larger than white. It is common that when you eat a dish of this you are left wanting more and consume it again after a short time. However, the integral lacks this problem. For this reason it is ideal for people who are in the process of losing weight. Does all this mean that white pasta is the very demon? Do not! Consuming it can help you if you do a lot of physical exercise. However, if you don't, you should consider the integral option.
