Home Oils and vinegars Substitutes for fat and salt: eat healthy

Substitutes for fat and salt: eat healthy

Food plays a fundamental role in our Health. We can help prevent or improve cardiovascular problems that are becoming more and more worrying. We must bet on substitutes for fats that we usually consume in excess or with a low quality. These and also the Sales they affect our body in a detrimental way. Here we explain how to reduce its consumption, as well as look for some alternatives in gastronomy.

Two harmful consumptions

El high salt intake In our diet it is leading us to an increased risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases. The average consumption exceeds 10 grams when the recommendation is 5 grams, according to the WHO. All this provokes us hypertension, coronary problems and fluid retention.

In the case of fat consumption, it is determined by the quantity we consume and the quality of these. Must avoid as much as possible the consumption of saturated fats and that they do not exceed 10% of the total fat consumed. The high consumption of saturated fats causes us to accumulate these in the arteries with the consequent risk of heart problems and strokes.

The case of salt

First of all, we should detect which products we usually consume are high in salt also we add it in the culinary elaborations. We can reduce your consumption or simply consume the same product Low in salt.  Products high in salt are usually preserves, chips and snacks, ready-made broths and soups, cold cuts, bread and sauces. It is present in ultra-processed, ready meals and we must be aware of it.

We should tend to return to the use and consumption of basic products and origin. That is, do not use prepared or semi-prepared products, since the food industry uses salt as preservative and flavoring. If it is not possible, we should look for brands or low-salt alternatives or reduce the consumption of these foods.

Salt shaker
Salt shaker. Source: Pixabay

Substitutes for salt

We are going to highlight some of the options we have when we want to replace or simply significantly reduce the salt intake in our culinary recipes.


Although we will talk about spices later, we want to give more importance to the pepper as salt substitute. We recommend that it be used ground at the moment, since it provides a greater smell and flavor. There are many types of pepper to choose from, and they are all a healthier option than salt.


Another great ally against salt consumption is it. You can use it ground, dehydrated or simply as one more ingredient in the recipe. Your contribution will help to replace or greatly reduce the salt intake so that the recipe is tasty.


La onion It is an ingredient that we forget when looking for alternatives to salt but your input can help us a lot. You can use it in powder in many recipes, although it is not necessary to incorporate a lot of quantity. Remember that the flavor is very concentrated when it is dehydrated before turning into powder.

Soy sauce

La soy sauce It is another good substitute, although in its production and fermentation process salt is used, its concentration means that with a small amount we can give solution flavor to many dishes.

green pepper
Peppercorns / Photo: Tomás Franco

Other sauces

In many recipes we can incorporate other sauces of the national and international cookbook in the fight against excess salt. Think of sauce like mustard, aioli sauce, sweet and sour sauce, and so on. In this sense, we must think about how and when to incorporate these sauces and, most importantly, if they will be added to the plate later. For this reason, the contribution of salt can be significantly more low.

Spices and aromatic herbs

In the same way as pepper, the rest of the spices have a very important role in reducing salt. Spices like rosemary, basil, parsley, oregano, or nutmeg They should be in our mind in reducing the consumption or contribution of salt in recipes.


El lemon it can be a great ally against salt. Dishes that seek a special freshness and flavor, the lemon can provide them. In plates of fish, shellfish and crustaceans it is enough with the contribution, if desired, of a few drops of lemon.


The case of fats

Not all products that contain fat are the same. We should be aware of the type of fat we eat and reduce saturated fat intake to less than 10%. We must change them and get used to consuming products with monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats, since these provide good cholesterol (HDL), while trans fat raises bad cholesterol (LDL). It is important to eliminate ultra-processed products that use trans fats in their preparation.

Foods with trans fats

Products with trans fatty acids It is found in little foods at source. Yes, the red meat of veal, cow or ox has them and we should limit consumption or consume very lean pieces of this type of meat.

El great risk of these fats we find them in elaborated products that use these fats in their elaboration. They are fats that are liquid in nature but are subjected to a hydrogenation process (hydrogenated fats) so that they pass to a solid state and can be manipulated by the food industry. In this state they offer great advantages in industrialization for the process and conservation of some products and are economically more profitable.

These types of fats are saturated and they are healthy for us.. They are found in industrial food products such as pastries, dumplings, croquettes, pizzas, etc. Other products with saturated fat are some cold cuts, cheeses, butters, bacon. Also in vegetable products such as Palm oil and coconut. Products that we must avoid or reduce their consumption for the benefit of substitutes for fats that we present to you in the following points.

Buns with sugar

Fat substitutes: choose wisely

The meat of chicken and turkey gives us a really low level of fat. Eat these meats and season with the spices of your choice. Be aware that the fat is what contributes much of the flavor, and meats that are lacking in fat are less palatable. There are multitudes of recipes to add an exquisite flavor to these meats to make them food substitutes for fats.

Studies carried out with spices such as turmeric and pepper to promote cardiovascular health, in addition these spices flavor these meats very well. Use these unprocessed or precooked meats, since in these cases they usually carry some other type of fat and a high content of salt or sugar.

Another good alternative is the consumption of Iberian pork For two reasons. In the first place, because its level of fat is lower than that of the industrial white pig. The second reason is because the fat of the Iberian pig is unsaturated and, therefore, healthier than the rest.

In recent years they have also appeared on the market substitutes for fats and without eating meat. They are made from vegetal protein and they have achieved the flavor and texture of the meat. Companies like Beyond Meat y IvyTo cite a few examples, they are getting very good acceptance and gastronomic results.

protection of the Iberian pig
Iberian pigs grazing in the Spanish pasture

We must make sure that it really is Iberian and fed with acorn or feed with a high content of high oleic acid. Although the labeling should inform us of this, the fastest way is to see the price, since the Iberian meat fed in a convenient way is not economical.

Blue Fish

In the case of fish, the so-called blue fish They provide us with a level of unsaturated fats (Omega-3) that are very healthy and interesting for our health. Consume this type of fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel or tuna, to name the most popular. Some excellent substitutes for fats harmful.

Healthy oils

All countries producing olive oil have the best solution for a diet with a quality fat. In areas of the world where olive oil is not as affordable as in Mediterranean areas there are other alternatives. Oils such as avocado or oil sunflower High oleic acid gives us a very interesting quality of fat for our health.

In conclusion, you already know which are the best substitutes for fats that do not contribute anything good to your health. Bet on these foods.
