Home Cereals and legumes Panko: healthy fried?

Panko: healthy fried?

If you like fried foods, but you are aware that they are not very good for your health, you have to try the panko. It is an alternative to breadcrumbs that promises to be healthier and crunchier! Attention we present it to you

Panko takes the place of breadcrumbs

Nur gastronomy is a mix between the most tradicionales and typical of our culture e exported innovations. An example of this is found in cocoa, potatoes and pasta. There are even times that we mix both. This is the case of croquettes, a representative Spanish recipe. But what would happen if instead of making it with breadcrumbs, we made it with panko? This Japanese alternative to breadcrumbs is becoming more and more important in Spanish cuisine.

Although it is very important and key to many recipes, the panko He has reached Spain as a great competitor bread crumbs. It is a Japanese option that is far from the conventional version in that it is made with crustless bread or wheat flour. What makes it one more ingredient thicker, crispier and more special. On the other hand, we find that it is more digestive. Well, when it comes to frying, friend absorbs a lot less oil. Resulting in lighter and less caloric dishes.

Breaded chicken with pando / source: instagram user @porkpanko

You can buy panko in almost all stores and supermarkets. But also You can make it yourself in your own home. For this you will only need 4 slices of crustless bread. Breaks the bread into small crumbs of about 5mm. Place them on a tray covered with parchment paper and put them in the oven for 10 or 15 minutes at 100º. Once they are baked, let them cool down and you can use the result in many recipes.

The current boom and fanaticism for Asian gastronomy has turned the panko is a highly requested ingredient in Spain. let it be so crunchy y healthier explain very well why he has become the adversary of the bread crumbs. And you? Do you prefer breadcrumbs or panko?


