Home News What is organic meat?

What is organic meat?

What is the organic meat the one that everyone talks about? Is it feasible for all people to eat it? We are going to analyze it to answer these questions.

Organic meat: an upward trend

Concern for the the environment, health and animal welfare they are the order of the day. For this reason, many people decide to consume meat more responsibly. For this they demand both product quality and respect for animals and the Earth. In fact, searches for organic meat grew a 4.500% in 2020 According to ClickKoala.

Thus, there are also many people who wonder what organic meat consists of. How can it be recognized? The first of all is to refer to the Report on Production and ecological products for the European Commission. It explains that farmers must feed animals with feed obtained mainly from the farm where they are raised or farms in the same region. Also, this has to be 100% organic.

organic meat
Animals must be fed outdoors to be classified as part of organic farming/Source: Pixabay

no chemicals

On the other hand, it is prohibited cloning or embryo transfer. Growth factors and synthetic amino acids are also ruled out. From these rules it follows that the crecimiento of the animal must be the natural. In order not to speed it up, it is enough to drink natural milk, preferably breast milk.

In the same way, the number of animals is limited to minimize the overgrazing, erosion and soil contamination by droppings. Ideally, these serve as fertilizer if the number of animals is adequate. Therefore, they should have access to the outdoors whenever possible. It is prohibited to tie or isolate an animal unless it is for welfare or safety reasons.

As with halal meat, the hormones they are out of the equation, as long as they are not part of a medical treatment. This same happens with the Antibiotics. But... is this noticed later in the meat as such?

Is different?

The truth is that you can perceive certain differences. To begin with, you must learn to recognize the organic meat in stores and supermarkets. It is possible thanks to seal of the European Union with a green leaf that you will find in the packaging. Once you try it, you will realize that the texture, color and flavor are somewhat different from being more intense. You will enjoy each bite more. In addition, you also enjoy the absence of chemicals and you make sure that the animal has lived more comfortably than under other systems

Finally, you help protect the environment by consuming a local product. This way you save CO2 emissions when transporting meat from far away places. You also avoid pollution that derives from massive farms. Cases in which their discharges contaminate the land and aquifers are not uncommon. However, with the current consumption of meat it is unfeasible that we only eat organic meat.

Iberian pig
It is not feasible to eat only organic meat with the current rate of consumption / Source: Pixabay

That is to say, in Spain they eat 50 kilos of meat a year according to the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN). Well above the recommendations of 21 kilos of the WHO. Therefore, we cannot release all animals from large factory farms to pasture. These do not exist, so you would have to destroy the vegetation to create them. Therefore, to achieve a realistic transformation it is essential to rdrastically reduce our meat consumption. In this way we will be able to raise animals in a sustainable way and guaranteeing their well-being.


