Home News The price of oil skyrockets, but it is not the only one

The price of oil skyrockets, but it is not the only one

We find ourselves in a historical and economic situation very fragile. We are surrounded by a multitude of tensions, crises and even an invasion. This has resulted in rising costs. Above all, it is the price of olive oil is skyrocketing. But he has not been the only one who has undergone changes. Pay attention that we tell you everything.

The price of olive oil shoots up 70%

We are experiencing a situation very similar to the one we went through early pandemic of the Covid. When the panic over shortages emptied the supermarkets. This fear had a protagonist, toilet paper. Now the Russian invasion of Ukraine is causing similar sensations. Well, people are nervous thinking about what can happen with the distribution of food. In particular, the focus has been on oil. What has resulted in the price of olive oil skyrockets.

This started with the shelves of sunflower oil deserts. Which meant an increase in its cost. Moreover, with a difference of fifteen days their prices multiplied by two. However, this madness has fallen short compared to what his olive partner is suffering. Although there is no risk of deficit, there is a social fear that convinces the population that it may disappear and it will be necessary to pay whatever it takes to get hold of a bottle.

the price of olive oil skyrockets
olive oil /source: pexels

In this way, supermarkets, taking advantage of the fact that it is a fundamental part of our diet, have warned: the price of olive oil skyrockets. But with a distance of more than 70%. Especially, stand out: Lidl, Mercadona and Alcampo. The first began offering a liter of olive oil at 2,29 euros per liter, now it is for 3,99. In Mercadona a year ago the liter cost 2,30 euros, in 2022 it costs 4. While the Alcampo had it at 2,19 and now at 3,64 euros per liter. And it's not we can ignore the fact that the price of olive oil shoots up 74%.

Prices go up for everything!

However, and unfortunately, the price of olive oil is not the only thing that is skyrocketing. But the increase in cost has been in general and in almost all products. Even of those of first necessity. Although this is objective data that you can observe comparing your purchase receipts old with the most recent, the OCU has investigated this issue. Confirming this hypothesis by adding the data that the supermarkets that more have raised their prices with Carrefour and Mercadona. With an increase of 12,1% and 11,5% respectively.

But, they have not been the only ones. Regardless of which establishment you decide to go to, you're going to see higher labels. Precisely about 10% more. On the other hand, they observed that, against all odds, El Corte Inglés and Hipercor are the ones that have most resisted this escalation. Given this, the big chains have excused themselves with: the rise of electricity and fuel, the greatest difficulty caused by Russian invasion of Ukraine; transport strike...

Another important fact that must be highlighted from the study is the classification of foods according to their rise. In this list, as we have commented before, it appears the oil first. Followed by fish, packaged foods and dairy in that order. The percentage found is 34, 16 and 11% relatively. It may seem like it's not a lot. However, if we add food to food, in the end we are talking about a significant amount of money. To which if we add the rest of the expenses can make it difficult for many families to make ends meet.

The problem is not only that the price of olive oil skyrocketsBut all products do and food. can become understandable since the cost of production and processing has also risen. However, one must search an effective solution urgently. Well, we are the consumers who always end up paying the consequences, regardless of the situation we find ourselves in. And you? Do you find any solution that can solve this situation? without leaving any participant in the production chain damaged?
