Home Coffees, teas and infusions What is specialty coffee?

What is specialty coffee?

For some time when talking about coffee, the concept of specialty coffee has appeared. With the rise of all-bean coffee makers for coffee lovers, coffee culture has increased and coffee as a quality product has regained even more importance, but what really is specialty coffee?

Actually, specialty coffee is a high-quality coffee that is characterized by having an excellent aroma and flavor. But the concept goes further and aims to be more ambitious. In addition to being a coffee with a score above 80 points out of 100 valued by an entity such as the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association). This score must be made by certified tasters and with established protocol.


Among other attributes, what is associated with specialty coffee is that it also has certain and guaranteed traceability. This means that the origin, the producer or farm, the height of the crop and the characteristics of the crop are known. Of course also the variety and subvariety of coffee which must be arabica. It is important to know the roast and the date of this in the same traceability. Obviously, the green beans must not have defects, be of high quality and be sanitary.

Specialty coffee, quality and sustainability

As in other agri-food products, it is becoming increasingly important to know the origin and to be able to guarantee sustainability. This means that in addition to the sustainability of coffee as a product, the production environment has been respected. Also the human capital behind the product, which in its vast majority tend to be small producers associated with cooperatives.

All this makes the product more respected and pampered and of course it has a slightly higher price than conventional coffee. Although the price is higher, it does not mean that it is the most expensive coffee on the market, but it does have prices similar to those of premium coffees on the market.

