Home Gastronomy Condensed milk: harmful?

Condensed milk: harmful?

There is much talk about the condensed milk. Without a doubt, this delight for the little ones is the result of controversy. There are many people who accuse her of damage our health. However, this statement is qualified. Let's see why!

Where does condensed milk come from?

Condensed milk, in short, comes from partially dehydrating the fresh milk. In this way we obtain a thick liquid. Thus, it was born as a method of preservation. That is, at bacteria It is difficult for them to proliferate in the absence of water. However, the retention period does not last long. For this reason it is that the manufacturers throw sugar after.

Here's the thing. On the one hand we find that the content in healthy fats y proteins is greater than in whole milk. On the other, we have a high proportion of sugars. That is to say, 54 grams per hundred are sugar! Shooting insulin suddenly to combat such an amount of sugar can cause long-term disorders. Also, abuse is linked to diabetes and heart disease.

condensed milk
Bowl with condensed milk for pastries/Source: Pixabay

However, among the benefits we once again highlight the proteins of high biological value. These triple the presence they have in whole milk. That is, in condensed milk we have 9 grams of protein per hundred. It also increases the concentration of Vitamins such as A, D, B2 and B12. In addition to these, we can find a higher proportion of minerals and trace elements compared to whole milk. Some are calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc.

What war popularized it?

At the beginning of nineteenth century poisonings from milk consumption were constant. However, a Frenchman named Nicolas Appert evaporated it between 1820 y 1822 to extend its useful life. It was not enough and in 1835 William Newton added sugar to it. However, his discovery did not come to light. It was Gail Borden en 1852 that he investigated after seeing how so many Englishmen died intoxicated.

He found the exact point to evaporate the milk, prevent it from curdling, and add the sugar. He patented it in 1856 and his company was successful. That is, the United States Union Army he required it to feed his soldiers in the middle of the civil war. It was this very conflict that popularized it.


As we have seen, the condensed milk It is not without benefits. However, the risks imply the need to carry a moderate consumption to avoid damage. You can treat yourself from time to time without worrying. However, you should not include it in your diet on a regular basis. Another way is, if you like pastries, make it at home without sugar. How about?


