Home News Cherries: an ally for the whole family

Cherries: an ally for the whole family

It is one of the fruits preferred by the Spanish and one of the most anticipated throughout the year. We are talking about cherries, one of the most complete of our diet. We tell you all about them and give you some tips on how enjoy them.


favorite fruit

Cherries are the quintessential fruit in Spain. Harvested between spring and summer, it is the only stone fruit non-climacteric of our Mediterranean diet. What does that mean? Well, they do not continue to mature after being harvested. That is, when we take them from the green tree, they will not turn red over time. That is why we cannot enjoy them the rest of the year, so they are always long awaited for the people.

Pick cherries in the supermarket or in the greengrocer is not as simple as everyone thinks. Sometimes they are acidicothers hard and others very mature, almost to throw them away. That is why there are different details to analyze, which we must take into account to take the best ones to our homes. Another aspect to observe is the price with which we find them when we go to acquire them.

Bag with cherries. / Source: Pixabay

In search of the best cherries

The first step we must take is to look at the color What do cherries have? Getting it right is essential, since as we have pointed out, as it is a non-climacteric fruit, we cannot allow it to ripen after buying it. The best color of a cherry is that they are dark, yes, without going over dark.

We all have in mind and associate the cherry with the color red. This is how it has always been represented in drawings, paintings or photographs. But you have to be careful, because if they are Red they may be duras y acidic, that is, they have not reached the required maturity. The Better option is that they are garnets, because if we take them black, it is possible that they are about to go over.

the cherries more big and fat They are usually the tastiest. It is true that depending on the variety, this can vary, as well as in color. The tail is another aspect to take into account, since it has to be Verde, strong y well attached.

Although, to tell the truth, these tips They don't work for all cherries. There's a lot varieties of them on the market. Among them stands out the pillory, a type grown in the Jerte Valley (Cáceres) and that are considered to be of higher quality than the rest. The difference is that they are darker in color, smaller, without a tail and have a more sweet. Of course, if you see a cherry with a mark where the tail should be and that they sell you for a pillory, it is not. The true one loses the stem naturally.

A woman photographs the cherry trees in bloom in the Jerte Valley. / Source: Gustavo Valiente (Europa Press)

The benefits of this fruit

Cherries are a very healthy. They are full of antioxidants such as melatonin, which help reduce cardiovascular disease. They are also rich in vitamins A, C and E, and in potassium, magnesium and iron. They help the prevention memory loss, reduce inflammation and gout symptoms.

If you have gastric problems, you will find in cherries a indispensable ally, since they are a rich source of fiber, also reducing the risk of diabetes, since they contain a moderate glycemic index. But like everything else, you have to consume them in moderation, since due to that high fiber content, excessive consumption can cause ulcers or colic. And if you are an athlete, they are highly recommended for a quick Muscle recovery and to reduce pain in tendons and joints.

A woman picks cherries. / Source: Repsol Guide

In short, cherries are a good food, either for picnic, as a dessert or as a small snack for people of all ages, as they are refreshing, easy to eat and have a very appetizing taste. In addition, 100 grams of cherries contain only 48 calories, which makes them also a ally to lose weight. At this point, would you know the difference between good cherries in the store?
