Home News Dried yellow worms, are they here to stay?

Dried yellow worms, are they here to stay?

The truth is that eating insects It sounds perhaps very distant in our gastronomy and, above all, in our culture. However, for some time now in Spain -among other countries-, products made from insects can be purchased; Since January 1, 2018, the European Union regulated and approved the consumption of insects as food. In fact, that same year, Carrefour decided to bet on the sector and launched a range of dried worms and crickets in different formats: bars, appetizers, pasta and even granola. Now another step forward has been taken: the European Commission (EC) has authorized the marketing of dried yellow worms -or mealworms-. The reason for that novelty? Among other reasons, the intention to continue offering a more sustainable food alternative.

The consumption of insects in Spain

At the time, Carrefour explained to the newspaper El País that its entry into the market for insects as food was aimed at “offering consumers the most innovative products and incorporate sustainable and environmentally friendly shopping alternatives to its assortment ”. This commitment translates into a production that reduces the 99% of the gas emission, as well as water consumption.

dried yellow worms
Insects are increasingly present in kitchens around the world

The truth is that before the regulation established in 2018, there was no legislation in Spain that specified or controlled this activity. It is true that some businesses, seeking to offer a new product, opted for the insect trade. However, given the unknowns about the effect they could have on the health of the population, the health authorities they ended up banning them. 

Now, with the relevant regulations, the consumption and trade of insects is increasingly widespread. Although before it was an almost exclusive custom of Asian or Latin American countries, little by little it is settling in more places. In fact, according to El Español, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), estimates that "insects are part of the traditional diet of nearly 2.000 billion people around the world."

Dried yellow worms in Europe

Speaking of the presence of insects in the diet, comes the news of the recent recognition of the dried yellow worms as a new food by the EC. And since it was taking the step, it was taking it big: its commercialization in the European Union is already authorized.

The decision has been made after the European Food Safety Authority (o EFSA, for its acronym in English) approve the quality of the product. After several tests and scientific studies, it has been determined that these worms are not harmful to our health. This is the first step of many others that are expected to be taken. In view of the approval, permission to trade in as many insects has been requested.

Are dry yellow worms healthy?

The truth is that from the strategy of the European Commission «From farm to table », it has been ensured that these insects are a great alternative for the intake of proteins. And not only that, but they are also high in fat, fiber, minerals and vitamins. This makes the dry yellow wormsIt is a most complete and healthy option.

In addition, according to EFE, "it facilitates the change towards healthy and sustainable diets." How is this? Well, because, according to FAO experts, it is “necessary to find alternative solutions to conventional livestock”Which, among other factors, is increasing the cost of animal proteins. In this sense, they assure that "the consumption of insects contributes positively to the environment and to health and livelihoods."

dried yellow worms
Dried yellow worms, the new food approved by the European Commission

As you have seen, insects are considered a good source of energy and, therefore, a food that should be included in daily diets. In fact, the expert Virginia Emery, executive director of Beta Hatch - a North American company that produces feed for cattle with mealworms-, affirms for the BBC that “they are definitely a superfood”. Now that the approval of all the member states of the EC is official, the dried yellow worms they will become one more food in the European diet. Do you want to try them? What do you think about this food solution of the future?
