Home Distillates Flor de Caña, the best rum producer

Flor de Caña, the best rum producer

Cane flower

Cane flower, rum premium de Nicaragua, has been named Best Rum Producer in the World. This recognition has come from International Wine and Spirit Competition (IWSC) in London. This contest has a jury made up of more than 400 experts. They evaluate samples from more than 90 countries and each year rewards excellence in the global distillate sector.

Marketing of Flor de Caña

This distinction is the highest globally in the distillate industry. Endorses the quality of this Nicaraguan rum with more than 125 years of history. Cane flower It is a rum with 5 generations of family tradition. It is naturally aged with no sugar, additives, or artificial ingredients. In addition, it is enriched by a volcano, where sugar cane is grown. With it, it is made and distilled with 100% renewable energy.

It's the rum super premium leader in Central America. It has a presence in more than 40 countries around the world and is one of the rums premium fastest growing in the U.S. With more than 125 years and 5 generations of family tradition, it has obtained the award as best rum in the world.

Now and in international competitions London, Madrid, San Francisco and Chicago. It is the number 1 exported brand of Nicaragua, is prepared and distributed by Nicaraguan Liquor Company.

Great variety of this rum

Rum Cane flower offers a diversity of possibilities to acquire the best drink of this type. You have from aged rums to drink alone to young ones ideal for your tastiest mixes. Also in cocktails there are some premium special and directed to this end.

On their website you can see the different varieties of this rum. You have three different sections with bottles of different size, design and content. Likewise, their main characteristics or the age they have are listed in each one.
