Home News Eroski adds a new label to its brand chicken meat...

Eroski adds a new label to its own brand chicken meat.

Eroski has added a new label to classify own-brand chicken meat, according to its ageing. A new method to facilitate customer choice. The objectives of the supermarket with this new labeling are to continue advancing in a more ethical and sustainable diet, and to continue with its commitment to food transparency.

Eroski's Director of Health and Sustainability, Alejandro Martínez Berriochoa, explained the following about this new label: "Chicken meat is one of the most consumed in Spain and in the world. And the different types of aging influence its flavor, texture, color and price. More than a year ago we obtained the certification in Animal Welfare Welfair which guarantees ethical production and promotes animal welfare, evaluating aspects such as feeding, housing, health and behavior of the animal. Now, with this new labeling, we complement the above, with an eye on our customers so that they can easily recognize how the chicken has been raised."

Label types.

Five types of labels have been developed with different icons depending on their breeding: standard farm, improved farm, free range, traditional free range and organic.

The farm chicken is raised indoors, and is fed with soybeans and cereals.

As for the improved farm label, the chicken is also raised indoors, just like on the standard farm. The difference is that natural light and ventilation are used for at least fifty-six days. It also has more space. The Eroski Natur chicken grows slowly and its diet is totally vegetable with the help of vitamins and minerals. Likewise, it complies with the requirements of the agreement for 2026 regarding the choice of breeding species and dedicated space for it, air quality, the use of natural light and completely vegetable food.

The free-range chicken is raised on the farm for a minimum of fifty-six days. In this breeding, the chicken has access to the outside, which means that the farms have fewer chickens per square meter. The Eroski Natur free-range chicken has the same growth and the same diet as the Eroski Natur chicken. In addition, it also meets the requirements of the European Chicken Commitment. Eroski joined this campaign promoted by the European Chicken Commitment in 2022. This is a voluntary agreement promoted by several organizations from different countries, which seek to promote more ethical farming for broiler chickens with measures above the minimum requirements. established by current law.

On the other hand, the traditional free-range chicken label is for those who have greater access to the outside world, at least forty-two days. The more access they have to the outdoors, the fewer chickens there will be both on and off the farm. Their diet is based on 70% cereals. These chickens are also slow growing and are raised for a minimum of eighty-one days.

Finally, the organic chicken feeds only on feed made with organic products, which come from the farm itself or from others in the same region. This feed also does not contain genetically modified organisms. Chickens have full access to the outdoors from the moment they hatch. This breeding method seeks the diversity of breeds, choosing between slow-growing and native chickens. Like traditional free-range chickens, organic chicken is raised for a minimum of eighty-one days.

The Eroski supermarket is committed to conservation and respect for the environment. In recent years, it has developed several initiatives that aim to curb the impact of its activity on the environment in which it is carried out.
