Home Chocolates Dark chocolate improves our mood!

Dark chocolate improves our mood!

Have you ever felt like you just want to sit down and watch a movie with a pot of chocolate ice cream? A Korean study has ensured that the chocolate negro Improves mood. Hence the need for chocolate on a down day. This Asian research concludes that chocolate with more than one 85% cocoa alter the gut microbiome. Do you know what it is? Would you like to know how dark chocolate influences our physiological states? Here we tell you everything.

The microbiome

The microbiobiome is the community of microorganisms that live together in a particular habitat. For this topic, we are going to focus on the gut microbiome. It consists of a wide variety of bacteria, viruses and fungi that are part of humans from birth. Affecting the functioning of the entire organism. For this reason it is considered essential for life, clearly influencing health and disease.

These communities, previously mentioned, behave symbiotically. Maintaining relationship with our immune system. An imbalance in this could cause pathological processes. As the production of toxic metabolisms, intestinal inflammations. It could even lead to the development of diseases such as colorectal cancer, obesity or diabetes.

microbiome map / dark chocolate
microbiome scheme / source: lolanutricion.com

The microbiome is responsible for performing essential functions. Like the transformation of non-digestible components of food into absorbable ones. Synthesis of essential vitamins. Elimination of toxic compounds. Strengthening the intestinal barrier.

Study of the relationship between dark chocolate and the microbiome

Chungnam National University, Seoul National University, and the Korea Food Research Institute have come together to conclude that dark chocolate modifies the gut microbiome and improves mood. After analyzing the results of the first investigation on dark chocolate. And its influence on physiological states.

chocolate negro
ounce dark chocolate / source: pexels

For this, 48 ​​adults were chosen. Between 20 and 30 years old. They randomly formed three groups. The first was given 30 grams of chocolate with 70% cocoa. 30 grams per second with 85%. While the third was not given any type of chocolate. With the aim of evaluating the mood of the participants. Using the PANAS scale (Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale).

These showed that the second group reduced negative scores your mood significantly. While the rest did not indicate changes. On the other hand, the analysis of the intestinal microbiome showed that this same group obtained a notable increase in the levels of the bacteria Blautia obeum.

The Blautia obeum

image of a bacteria / source: pexels

The study ran for three weeks. During this period, an increase in the levels of the bacteria was observed. Blautia obeum. The group that was given 30 grams of dark chocolate. This microorganism of characteristics probiotics. It is important for the microbiota maturation of children, the regulation of intestinal health. And the processes of recovery from various infections.

These data make it the therapeutic ideal to promote the balance of the intestinal flora. As well as to maintain the relationship between the microbiome and the brain. For avoid psychiatric disorders.

Benefits of dark chocolate

chocolate negro
ounce dark chocolate / source: pexels

This study provides us with the scientific information necessary to conclude that the consumption of dark chocolate influences physiological and psychological states. That alters the gut microbiome. Thus increasing the number of the bacteria Blautia obeum. Which improves, with it, our mood.

In addition, in 2014 another investigation increased the long list of benefits of dark chocolate. It was determined that the digestive process of its ingestion and its intervention with microorganisms. Like lactic acid bacteria or bifidubacterium. They provided healthy benefits like lowering blood pressure. The prevention of cardiovascular diseases, strokes and ischemic heart diseases.

cocoa / source: pexels

With this, we can understand that dark chocolate favors the growth of bacteria that generate beneficial compounds. However, it should be noted that studies show that dark chocolate improves stress. Because it causes the reduction of hormones such as cortisol. These appear as a result of the appearance of overwhelm, stress or anxiety.

As a conclusion we draw that dark chocolate. With more than 85% cocoa. It has prebiotic effects that improve the mood. Due to the relationship and influence of the gut-brain axis. And also that it acts like cardiovascular protector. By influencing the prevention of serious diseases such as stroke or cancers.
