Home Oils and vinegars Palm oil, even more dangerous

Palm oil, even more dangerous

It was already known that Palm oil It was not very healthy, because it is even more dangerous than we thought. Now a study published recently in the journal Nature It reveals to us that it is even more dangerous to our health than we feared.

What does science say?

El article by the researcher at the Icrea Salvador Aznar-Benitah center and which has been published this week in the prestigious journal Nature shows that the palmitic acid it is dangerous for our health. Not only for the cardiovascular effects, that were already known, but because it favors and increases the activity of the metastatic cells in cancer.

According to the researcher: “when a tumor is exposed to palmitic acid, a mechanism is activated that makes cells have a greater metastic component ”. Furthermore, these cells have a memory effect and they would be activated in the case of new exposures to palmitic acid.

What does palmitic acid do?

Palmitic acid is in many foods, although the richest in this acid is palm oil, reaching 50% of its composition. Although it is true that some meats and dairy products also have palmitic acid, the percentage in these cases is very low. Where it is most frequently found is in low-quality industrial bakery products, ultra-processed products, ice cream y chips.  

The great profitability provided by Palm oil and the ease of handling and preparation has made many industries use it. However, more and more are the agri-food industries and consumers who seek an alternative achieving healthier elaborations.

most dangerous palm oil
Palm fruits. Photo: pixabay

Palm oil, also dangerous for the planet

In addition to being a dangerous product for our health, it is also dangerous for the health of the planet. The high profitability of the palm oil business has produced large deforestation in Southeast Asia and Africa. The plantations seek the most fertile land and deplete the soil using large amounts of water. This agriculture produces large deforestation affecting plant and animal biodiversity. Therefore, the palm oil is more dangerous than we thought.

