Home Fruits and vegetables Kiwi vitamins, the healthiest fruit

Kiwi vitamins, the healthiest fruit

More and more of us are looking for the healthiest foods, those thathave more vitamins and nutrients. Fruits and vegetables are considered the best foods. But, of all of them, do you know which is the healthiest? The Journal of the American College of Nutrition has published a study that answers this question. We tell you what it is here.

What is the healthiest fruit with the most vitamins?

To answer this question we have to go back to the last months of 2015. When the Journal of the American College of Nutrition conducted a study. In this, 27 varieties of fruits were analyzed until finding the healthier. Among the nine healthiest fruits are: apple, avocado, banana, citrus, grapes, pineapple, strawberries and watermelon. But, without a doubt, if you had to keep only one, it would be: the Kiwi!

The Kiwi has its origin in New Zealand. Its exterior is brown and the interior is green with black seeds. One of the elements that most characterize it is the velvety texture or the hairs on your skin. It is an ideal fruit for increase the defenses and protect our body. In addition, it contains almost 83% amount of vitamins C It is recommended to consume daily. This data was the basis of the investigation, as published by iProfesional.

source: instagram user @alyona__belova

Although the kiwi is the healthiest fruit, be careful! it's not for everyone. The kiwi, like pineapple or papaya, contains a enzyme called poteolytic actidine. In case you are allergic, stay away from this food. Like people who are at risk of developing kidney stones. Kiwi has a lot of potassium, a mineral not recommended for those suffering from kidney failure. However, there are a few buts within a long list of benefits that this fruit brings us.

What has made it the healthiest fruit?

your toHigh content of vitamins C and E, its soluble fiber… Let's take a look at all the benefits it brings to our health:

  • Filter the sun's rays: The Kiwi contains lutein, a substance that naturally protects our skin.
  • Fight anemia, reinforcing the immune system: Its high content of folic acid and vitamins C strengthen defenses. Because these nutrients produce more red and white blood cells They act as a barrier against viruses. They also absorb iron from accompanying foods, thus speeding up recovery from anemia.
kiwi / source: instagram user @daf_17
  • speed up digestion: The kiwi is a fruit full of soluble fiber which helps in digestion and improves intestinal transit. In this way, it is a great ally against constipation.
  • It helps you lose weight. It is a fruit with a large percentage of water. In addition, it has an intermediate caloric level. Thus allowing weight loss and giving the sensation, when consumed, to feel more satiated.
  • It helps with blood circulation and the bones. The kiwi helps the blood to have a more fluid texture. Improving the condition of the arteries. In this way, the formation of clots in the blood vessels and thrombi are prevented. It also lowers cholesterol levels and improves bone development, nerves, muscles and organs.
  • Cut Back stress and nerves.

Kiwifruit for younger looking skin

The vitamins it contains have made the kiwi a aesthetic product. Well, it is the greatest enemy of acne, scars, wrinkles and blemishes on the face, since promotes cell regeneration. It is also optimal for hair health. The previously mentioned high content of water manages to hydrate the hair without weighing it down. However, the main cosmetic use given to the kiwi is its rejuvenating effect.

Not surprisingly, it has been recognized kiwi as the healthiest fruit. It is composed mostly of vitamins and water. Two elements necessary for the proper functioning of our body. Likewise, it provides us with a multitude of benefits with a exquisite taste. We personally analyzed and concluded that the kiwi is a food of ten. And you? What is your favorite fruit?
