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Tag: cassava

Kumache is a dangerous sauce

The kumache or kumachí is a sauce that is obtained from cassava, its appearance is dark, its flavor between sweet and...

Cuban gastronomy: a tradition to discover

Cuba, "the most beautiful land that human eyes have seen", and we do not say it, but Christopher Columbus. It also has an exceptional gastronomy. Declared...

Caribbean gastronomy: paradise of influences

It is a paradisiacal tourist destination but the food of the Caribbean drinks from the flavors and products of different countries. Discover the Caribbean gastronomy!

Gastronomy of Panama: what to eat?

From recipes shared with other Latin countries to one of the best coffees in the world, the gastronomy of Panama is very rich, with exclusive dishes.

Typical dishes of Bolivia: from pork to potato

Among the delicacies of the Bolivian country there are several that use products from said animal, as well as others typical of the nation. Get to know Bolivian dishes here.

Dishes of Brazilian gastronomy

We present the most typical and well-known dishes of Brazilian gastronomy, where foods such as cassava, cassava or rice predominate.

Cassava, pure power

In South America, the Guaraní peoples have always known the properties of cassava. They cook it in a thousand ways.