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Tag: Vegetable

Plant milk: has this reached its peak?

M! LK Update is the latest update for non-dairy milk. How can it match the taste of cow's milk and improve its properties? Find out.

Are plant based foods healthy?

As the market for processed plant-based foods continues to grow, we take a look at whether plant-based products are healthy.

NotMilk, from the algorithm to your glass

NotMilk is a vegetable drink that imitates milk without being it. Its most striking feature is that the recipe has not been chosen by a person. Discover it.

Green roof in vineyards: antiplagas

Do you know the benefits of vegetation cover in vineyards? This creates a symbiotic relationship between the vineyard and local insects. The wine revolution.

Where to buy vegan food: Vegaffinity!

This supermarket, both physical, in Murcia, and online throughout Spain, offers you all kinds of veggie foods. Find out where to buy vegan food here.

What is bimi: a trendy superfood

It comes from distant Japan, it is as healthy as the broccoli that is grown in the Murcian garden and it is already a trend. We tell you here what bimi is.

Vegetable Pork from Impossible Foods

The American firm that produces plant-based products that imitate meat products presents its new vegetable pork. Discover it here.

Real Meat Law: controversial in the US

In the United States, a Real Meat Bill has been introduced that seeks to label plant-based and cell-based 'meats' as imitation.

Tunato, a vegetable food that imitates tuna

The Spanish startup Mimic Seafood has created this innovative product that is a vegan alternative that imitates raw tuna. Find out here what Tunato is like.

Nestlé PB Triple Play vegetable burger

The Swiss food and beverage company presents its first complete 100% plant-based burger. It is the third bet of Nestlé in this line. Discover it.