Home Honey Mielenials movement: why drink honey?

Mielenials movement: why drink honey?

La beekeeping production in Europe - and especially in Spain - it is very widespread. What is perhaps not too widespread - at least not as widespread as it should be considering the properties it contains - is the honey consumption. In fact, Spain is the leading producer of honey in the European Union (14% of total production) and yet the average annual consumption per person is 0 kilos; far lower than other countries. And it goes even further: only 42% of Spaniards take it at least once a week. This had to be remedied, and this has been done. And you will ask yourself: Why take honey? ¿Why is it so important? Keep reading and you will find out!

Natural and fundamental sweetener in the ecosystem

It is not only that honey be healthy for us -as you will see later-, but also its production is essential for the proper functioning of the ecosystem. How? Single bee pollination plays an important role in maintaining biodiversity, balancing its operation.

why take honey
European honey is synonymous with food quality

The beekeeping sector also collaborates in the economic ecosystem. In addition to helping the development of rural areas, it also creates a large number of jobs - increasingly occupied by young people. In Spain, near 60.000 people work in the beekeeping world. There where it is, a sector hardly recognized by the population, constitutes an annual value in terms of its production that translates into approximately 62 million euros. 

But Why take honey? How does its consumption benefit you? For starters, it's about a 100% natural product, which means that its use could be the perfect substitute for sugar. In addition, following the line of naturalness that characterizes it, it is important to point out that “honey is a food that requires minimal processing, so could better maintain your natural qualities".

This is how the dietician-nutritionist defines it Paloma quintana in the press release released by the professional organization ASEMIEL-ANIMPA. All this, in addition, "contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system, and helps reduce tiredness and fatigue," as the expert explains.

If you add that in Europe honey production is carried out under the maximum quality premises and maximum food safety, the result is a demanding product full of possibilities. In Spanish gastronomy, honey is considered a traditional product full of history. That is why since ASEMIEL-ANIMPA They wanted to launch a campaign for the population to take this natural product into account in their daily diet.

'Mielenials' movement

As we have said before, the consumption of honey in Spain is far from what it should be. This is how the 'Mielenials' campaign, whose objective is not only that people really know what the benefits of honey, but also seeks to encourage the population to consume it more consistently. "It is essential to change the perception of consumers to raise awareness and sensitize about a very good food and that it is very good," he said David Senchermes, President of ASEMIEL-ANIMPA.


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Under the hashtag # 15weeksconmiel, encourage people to include this natural food at breakfast. The campaign proposal insists on family consumption. “To introduce a new food, it is best to do it as a family. If children see it in their parents, they take it”, Explained David Senchermés. In fact, it uses the concept of 'Mielennial' families, which refers to those current family nuclei with a fairly active pace of life, who take care of themselves and who seek a healthy diet. Brownies, crepes, cupcakes and even toasts; In order to make this move even more appealing, you can draw inspiration from some recipes in which honey is the perfect complement. Have breakfast with her!

Conclusion: why take honey?

You've already seen that honey not only is good for our health when we consume it, but it is also required for the biodiversity do not look altered. Many of the foods produced in Europe depend on bees and its pollination so that, although it seems a secondary sector, it is actually one of the most important on the continent.

why take honey
Mielennial Families Breakfast | Image courtesy of Tactics

In Spain we are still not fully aware of the benefits that a more continuous consumption of honey would bring us, especially considering that it is a local and quality product. In the national panorama we have a great variety of honeys of international prestige. So why not give a natural, healthy, and organic product a try. brand Spain? Now you know why take honey.
