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fish and healthy diet

Fish in a healthy diet matters

According to the WHO, people who follow a healthy diet lengthen their lives. Why is it important to include fish in a healthy diet?

Manchego cheese: dismantling its myths!

From Finca Dehesa de Los Llanos, his cheese teacher clearly explains what is false about the rumors that focus on Manchego cheese.

Is the Paleo Diet a matter of genetics?

What does the paleo diet have to do with human genes? Not everything is black or white in this controversial way of eating. Here we expose everything.

World Vegan Day: the origin

This November 1, the followers of this food philosophy, above all, celebrate World Vegan Day and we will tell you all about its history.

A bad diet kills more than tobacco

A study published in The Lancet magazine reveals that 11 million people die each year from eating poorly. Thus, a bad diet kills more than tobacco.

El CoCo App to buy and eat healthy

This mobile application allows you to scan food to find out its nutritional quality. The El CoCo app is based on the Nutriscore and NOVA systems.

Benefits of red beets

This vegetable, one of the sweetest that exists, has many nutritional and health properties. Learn about the benefits of red beet here.

Basics of the Mediterranean diet

Vegetables are essential in Mediterranean cuisine, along with rice. Legumes, which even appear in salads, are the main protagonists of stews.