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Tag: Consumers

Half of consumers do not read the labels of the...

Only 44% of Spaniards read food labels. The rest only look at the label from above or do not even read it, according to a study carried out by the Organization of Consumers and Users. 

Conscientious consumers in Spain: what are they looking for?

Spain is a country full of consumers who are aware of the environment. A lot has changed since that time when recycling meant being...

Contagions in the hospitality industry do not exist

This is how 73% of Spaniards consider it in a Makro study that has addressed the issue of contagion in the hospitality industry. We tell you more details.

The consumer brand: you decide everything!

The pioneering initiative called "Who's the Boss - The Consumers' Brand" sells products whose criteria and prices are voted on by customers.

What is the WelfairTM seal? Ethical consumption

In order to certify animal welfare and for consumers to be aware of their purchase, we explain what the Spanish WelfairTM seal is.

Food labeling: how does it matter?

Consumers look on food labels, above all, for information regarding the expiration date or best before date, the list of ingredients, as well as data on their storage conditions.