Home Sea The Crianza Mares y Ríos de España label is born

The Crianza Mares y Ríos de España label is born

The old Crianza de Nuestros Mares quality seal, known to many consumers of fresh fish, is updated and does so with the name Breeding Seas and Rivers of Spain. This new seal, also led by Apromar, aims to expand the species included in the previous seal and value fish from Spain.

In this way and from next September we will find the new seal in our fishmongers Breeding Seas and Rivers of Spain. You will be able to see it accompanying sea bass, gilthead bream and sea bass as up to now and accompanied by new species such as sturgeon, trout and caviar. In this way, these three new products will be covered by this new seal.

Crianza Mares y Ríos de España values ​​the country's product.

After the last study carried out by Apromar, it was found that 88% of consumers value the origin of the product in a very special way. In addition to its freshness and quality, the origin of the product for the consumer is important. According to the Managing Director of Apromar Javier Ojeda, with this new seal it is guaranteed that the fish is 100% fresh and 100% Spanish. All this translates into a competitive advantage in the market compared to other options from other sources.

Thus, with this new label, the good reputation of the previous label that was launched in 2016 is taken advantage of. The good image that is associated with guarantee of quality and freshness is also consolidated to consolidate a broader seal and with a greater weight in the origin of the product.

In addition to all this, the fish covered by the new seal must meet certain conditions and permanent audits. These guarantee the Spanish origin of the fish and its food safety. Also a sustainable and respectful production with the environment, elements that the consumer gives more and more importance.

