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Tag: ceviche

Tiger's milk: fish medicine

In this article we explain not only how to prepare tiger milk. We also mention some of the aspects that make it an excellent ally...

Raw Food: A Risk Fad?

Beyond certain world-renowned dishes, there is a trend that has the premise of eating raw food to maintain its natural essence.

What is tiger milk and how to prepare it

Contrary to what you might think, this liquid with such a curious name is a typical Peruvian dressing or juice. We explain what tiger's milk is like.

Anisakis in fish are already more worrying

This parasite present in more and more non-cooked species is proliferating, raising concerns about Anisakis in fish.

Best Peruvian restaurants in Madrid

From the Latin country to Spain, a cuisine whose tradition is ancient, stands out for its diversity and fusion. Meet the best Peruvian restaurants in Madrid.

Gastronomy of Panama: what to eat?

From recipes shared with other Latin countries to one of the best coffees in the world, the gastronomy of Panama is very rich, with exclusive dishes.

Gastronomy of Costa Rica: 100% tropical

This country is full of wonderful beaches, volcanoes and tropical forests, from which produce products for the gastronomy of Costa Rica. Discover it!

Regional cuisine of Peru and its delicacies

The native product coexists with new proposals that reinterpret the culinary tradition of the regional cuisine of Peru. Get to know its main delicacies.

Peruvian gastronomy, world reference

With its culinary influences from various parts of the world, Peruvian cuisine brings endless heavenly flavors. It has been awarded several times.
National Ceviche Day

National Ceviche Day in Peru

It is part of the ´culinary soul´ of the country, as the most recognized and successful dish. This June 27 Peruvians celebrate the National Ceviche Day.