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Tag: catatur

5 Fair of Vi Ciutat de Castelló

  The 'Fira del Vi Ciutat de Castelló' is not only a space dedicated to the consumption and sale of wine, but also...

Master Route for teachers

Master Route for teachers In the bars of Mahoudrid you can find experts on any subject. Experts in football, business, fashion, travel,...

Cava Market Sant Sadurni d'Anoia

Cava Market Lloc:Cr. Raval Duration: From 10 a.m. to 15 p.m. Ho organitza:Ajuntament de Sant Sadurní d'Anoia Preu:Gratuït Tipus d'acte:Vins i caves I came to the Cava Market i gaudeix de l'enoturisme amb els paquets de...

Fair of the Tofona de Centelles

Fira de la Tòfona de Centelles Start date 16/12/2017 End date 17/12/2017 Address: Carrer Nou 19 Postal code: 08540 Municipality: Centelles Town: Centelles Province: Barcelona Telephone: 938 810 375 E-Mail: centelles @diba.cat Web: http://www.centelles.cat Fresh truffle incorporated into food products and other artisanal food products. The...

Festa del Tossino in Abelda (Huesca)

The Aragonese town of Abelda, located in the region of La Litera, celebrates the Festa del Tossino. Huesca popular festival organized by the Peña...

Valencia, beyond rice and oranges

It shows us some of the visits you can make to wineries, breweries, horchata and nougat.

Catatur wins the RuralApps award

Catatur, the new application that contains all the manufacturers of gastronomic products that can be visited in the country, has won the third edition of the RuralApps contest

Vilafranca del Penedès: wineries and cavas

Antoni Mascaró, Pinord, Castell de Peralada, Heretat Mas Tinell and Miguel Torres make up the list of wineries that can be visited in Vilafranca del Penedés and its outskirts to discover the transformation of grapes into wine, following the process that takes place in them

Catatur, download and enjoy!

Grandesproductos has just launched Catatur, a new word for a new App that tries to define gastronomic tourism and agrotourism focused on visiting producers, wineries, cheese factories, craft breweries, distilleries, etc.