Home El Portillo restaurant, the art of roasting

    El Portillo restaurant, the art of roasting

    Specialty: Torreznos
    Name: The wicket
    Address: Plaza Vergel, 2. Soria
    Province: Soria
    Phone: 975240681
    Website: www.elportillo.es

    The delight of a torrezno, in El Portillo

    For all the lovers of torreznos, el El Portillo restaurant should be a place to visit when in Soria capital. This is a place of Castilian cuisine with great dishes and a magnificent cellar, but its great specialty is the meat product.

    Serve the warm, crispy pancakes Sufficiently sized and tasty, as real ones should be. All this makes them be in the podium of the best places to eat torreznos in one of the lands, Soria, where they involve more than eating. It is part of the culture and gastronomy of the place.

    El Portillo restaurant is located in the center from the capital and has a great winery to accompany the gourmet product. In addition, they serve other meat dishes exquisitely. For example, fried mealybugs with Padrón peppers or sirloin. They also boast of doing good gin tonics and cocktails.

    About the product par excellence

    El torrezno It is one of the parts that come out of the pork ribs. Very similar to the one known as the bacon cut but with a thicker cut. In this way the torrezno has skin, fat and some lean. For all these reasons, it can be considered a very caloric meal. Typical of very cold winter places. The most famous areas of torreznos are the provinces of Soria, Avila and, in general, all Castile.

    In some places it is a companion to dishes such as potatoes and legumes since it adds a lot of flavor and makes the dish much tastier. In some places of Latin america y Andalusia it is known as pork rind.

    La preparation of the torreznos is simple. The basis is to have a good raw material. Are cut into 2-3 cm strips and brown in a pan with sunflower oil. They are fried over medium heat for 30 minutes. They should be allowed to drain so that they lose all the excess fat. As always, there are other recipes. Some use the oven but the ones we mention are one of the most used. It is the one they use in the El Portillo restaurant.

    Fried torrezno / Photo: elportillo