Home News Consum cheeses: pleasure for everyone

Consum cheeses: pleasure for everyone

Cheese is one of the favorite products of the Spanish. Whether as an aperitif or as a companion to our dishes, it is a tasty product and multiple benefits. Here is a list of the top five Consum cheeses.

Consum's variety of cheeses

In the Valencian food chain they are experts in this product so in demand. The Consum cheeses They provide us with a variety of this pleasure. Among the best sellers finds the mixed table. This product is made up of three types of cheese cut into small wedges: soft, sheep and cured.

And if you like stronger cheeses, we recommend the Table PDO of French Cheeses. this type of cheese they are more powerful than the ones we are used to eating here, with apologies to Cabrales. This table consists of three types of cheese: Cantal, Saint-Nectaire and Fourme D'Ambert. As we have pointed out, they are cheeses with a strong taste and aroma that will delight the consumer.

Consum cheeses
Table with different cheeses. / Source: Consumer

From the humble product to the Gourmet

If we talk about humble cheeses, our minds go to the tranchete or grated. The Consum cheeses they offer us grated cheeses quality at an affordable price. Among them stands out the grated Mozarrella. It is an Italian buffalo milk cheese, recommended for pizzas, pasta and lasagna.

And if you are lactose intolerant, the Valencian supermarket cooperative puts lactose-free grated cheese on the market. A product made from cow's milk and does not lose any nutrients despite the lack of the disaccharide of the secretory fluid of the mammary gland.

Finally, when we hear the word gourmet we throw our hands in our heads thinking about the cost of the product. But no, the gourmet variety of Consum cheeses It is affordable for all pockets. For three euros we can enjoy 150 grams of the three types of more special cheeses of the Garcia Baquero brand. After knowing this list, are you going to try them all?

