Home Gastronomy What is nutritional intelligence?

What is nutritional intelligence?

Eating well is within everyone's reach, but you can commit unconsciously many errors from the purchase to the preparation of your favorite dishes. Diversity of external aspects to food can influence you when it comes to acquiring them in the market. However, thanks to development of good nutritional intelligence, you can learn to eat healthier. From the book of the doctor Magda Carlas, some are extracted ideal tips and guidelines to change your eating habits. If you want to eat healthier, you just have to follow what we tell you here. 

Why should you be guided by nutritional intelligence?

On many occasions you psychological or emotional state It affects the way you eat, the way you feel more or less and even choosing one or the other food. However, it has also been discovered through scientific studies that there is a physical link between your emotions and your diet. This means that if you follow a bad dietThese non-recommended nutrients that you are ingesting can affect the microbes in your body.

In this way, high amounts of fat, sugars and deficiencies of other essential elements, can have a negative impact on you. Stress, depression, or anxiety are some of the problems derived from following an inadequate diet. That is why it is important to know what you are really eating and to abide by its consequences. In the nutritional intelligence You must ask yourself why you eat those foods, what they contain or what they give you.

However, the process begins from the very preparation of your shopping list. In that phase you cannot let yourself be carried away by advertising, fashion, financial capacity or your personal circumstances. Research, analyze and compare products as you disassemble false myths that can prohibit you from consuming certain foods. Then, to consume them you can also look for those healthier cooking techniquesEven if the food label doesn't even tell you how to cook it.

Ultimately, the nutritional intelligence It is based on you following some conscious and controlled eating so that you learn to eat better. Do you dare to change your habit with this technique? Here we leave you the link to the work of Magda Carlas in The book house.
