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Protagonists, legumes

world pulses day

Lentils, chickpeas and beans or beans. The history of legumes in our diet is much older than grandmother's stews and stews.

There have been many civilizations and peoples that have enjoyed the virtues of legumes that, together with cereals, were the basis of the diet of Mediterranean man for many centuries.

Now Madrid Marriott Auditorium Hotel & Conference Center presents a new Gastronomic Conference based on legumes and presented in a menu that will not leave anyone indifferent. They will take place from November 27 to December 1.

Its history is told from the Neolithic, passing through ancient Egypt and the Hebrews to ancient Greece. Chickpea was a common food in Homer's times. The beans were used to cast the vote in the agora.
The Romans could not be less. His legions were fed a diet of dried legumes.

And here, in Spain, the national dish par excellence, cooked, pot, broth or stew carries, almost by obligation. A leading ingredient that to this day continues to feed the most exquisite palates.

These foods should occupy a prominent space in any diet that is considered balanced. For this reason it is at the base of the pyramid of our food.

New gastronomic days of legumes

This year the Restaurant Kalma from Madrid Marriott Auditorium presents from November 27 to December 1. a new Gastronomic Conference based on legumes and proposals in four different groups. From each of them, the customer will choose one of the dishes.

From the appetizers of legumes with their own name, you can choose between Tartar of lentils, caviar and cockles, White garlic of lupins and tigernuts with mojama, Green bean cappuccino on cream of roasted onion and fried Chickpea.

For the light starters of legumes, cold and warm, the options are: Crispy bean salad with smoked cod, Olive bread crusts and piparras gel, False orzo risotto, peas and black truffle; Beans and chicory stew with torrezno from Soria.

Legumes with tradition bring us six possibilities: Asturian Fabada with its compango, Tolosa beans with cabbage and vegetable blood sausage, Stewed Verdines with squid and clams, Pochas with vegetables and piparras, Chickpea stew, spinach and cod.

A good meal always ends with a better dessert: White bean cream, vanilla and basil cake; Cheese cake with Castilian chickpea biscuit; Tiramisu of peas and matcha tea and Brazo de gitano stuffed with black beans, cinnamon cream and liquorice.
