Home Oils and vinegars Quality standard for olive oil 2020

Quality standard for olive oil 2020

While the agricultores They continue their protests about the low prices at which their products are sold, among other issues that harm them, one of these is the olive. With her, the olive sector is going through a difficult situation as well, in addition to having been demanding other types of measures related to a legal framework. Well, it seems that these requests are going to be addressed in a certain part and in a specific way. From the Department of Food Law of AINIA (technological and innovation center), it has been anticipated what the new quality standard for olive oil. It will arrive in this present year. Here we tell you more.

Update after almost four decades

As reported by said department main responsible José María Ferrer, this will be "a great step to advance food legislation and provide the olive sector with a good legal framework". That which includes in its documents "the various situations that may arise in the industry and which, in addition, includes the interests of all the agents in the value chain." In short, the quality standard for olive oil and olive pomace will update the regulation in the sector after almost four decades of validity of Royal Decree 308/1983. This will be repealed to accommodate the new regulations that are necessary for all those involved. From consumers to olive growers.

"Having its own standard for olive oils allows a better adaptation to the approaches regarding production and self-control, packaging and labeling", he clarified Ferrer.

olive oils
EVOO bottles / Photo: Iván Sevilla

Ensure the authenticity of the product

Mainly, the objective with this novelty is protect the product in regards to your traceability, so that the oil authenticity. This is very important to avoid fraudulent practices that are found in the market with it. Thus, all aspects related to this concept will be detailed, such as the records of traceability and the general conditions of the same. Also the oils that must be included in them, the information of inputs and outputs and even other data related to transport. Finally, along this line, a Coordinated Traceability Control Plan by the competent authorities thereof. The Food Coordination Table It will ensure that there are no frauds or illegalities in this regard.

On the other hand, although as a consequence of this fundamental point, improving quality control is another of the claims made by the innovation center. AINIA.

“All links in the value chain will be supervised through the traceability system, from production to reaching the consumer. This new version has a more practical approach that will facilitate its application, for example in matters of tolerances linked to optional mentions, "he explained. Ferrer.

US tariffs for olive oil

Greater clarity in this quality standard for olive oil

The update is also intended to offer a greater clarity when it comes to differentiating seed oils and olive oils. The first are those that come from corn, cotton, peanuts, soybeans, sugarcane, linseed, sesame, sunflower or canola. Of these there are quite a few varieties but none have the qualities from the olive grove. For this reason, it is essential to establish a better differentiation between one and the other. In this way, the quality standard for olive oil progresses while your market does. Will this legislative novelty achieve its objectives in all parts of the chain?
