Home News Mexican honey in continuous growth

Mexican honey in continuous growth

La miel It is a product that we all enjoy confectionery, teas or any form in which it is presented. Lately, the mexican honey is increasing its demand and its production thanks to the success of its flavor. Today we will talk about the country's forecast regarding its honey. Find out!

Mexican honey on the rise

Oh honey! A delicious naturally sweet that, in addition to being healthy, masterfully accompanies to most desserts and bitter drinks. the touch of sweetness that adds a tablespoon of honey to tea is enjoyed by a large number of people throughout the world. And besides being a very natural that helps us sweeten the drinks and dishes that interest us, it is also a very beneficial product for several countries.

El Government of Mexico has estimated a production of 65.649 tons of honey. This would represent an increase of 5,8% compared to the volume of miel produced in 2021. So far there has been an advance of 52% of this forecast, made at the end of June. The event in which these figures were provided is called "Our wealth, Honey«. The head, appointed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (sader), makes clear the importance of honey for Mexico.

Mexican honey on a spoon
Mexican honey on a spoon | Source: Pixabay

The above data indicates that in 2021 there were more than 62.000 tons of honey, of which 51% was destined for the market of export. According to the president of the Sader, Víctor Villalobos: «»Currently the mexican honey enjoys great worldwide acceptance for its aroma, flavor and quality. This places the country as the ninth producer and the tenth exporter of honey in the world."

Exports to the whole world

A major surprises of the figures shown is the amount of mexican honey that has reached other countries. The exports of the product of Central America they reached a total of 33 countries in 2020, with a total of 27.725 tons. And the data for 2021 has increased by 16%, exceeding 32.000 tons. This confirms the <strong>success</strong> of the Mexican national product in the market European.

honey bread breakfast
Breakfast of bread with honey | Source: Pixabay

In fact, the success is even more remarkable thanks to the active participation of Germany in the purchase of the product. This country, which is characterized as one of the most demanding As far as food quality is concerned, it imports between 40 and 50% of the total mexican honey. Success is due, above all, to work Management that the more than 43.000 families of beekeepers carry out in 32 different stages of the country. In total, Mexico has more than 2 million hives.

Villalobos has also pointed out that native products such as honey or avocado, preserved by producers and mexican families, They were relegated for a long time. The current administration is contributing to the vindication of the country in our historical memory and cultural, as well as in the world culinary imagination.

The history of Mexican honey

La miel It is one of the foods with the most history of culture Mexican. Its use and preparation dates back to the culture of pre-Hispanic peoples. Although in Spain the food most associated with the area latin american is the avocado, the truth is that honey has also been produced in South American countries since the period before colonization.

Bees making honey in the honeycomb
Bees making honey on honeycomb | Source: Pixabay

Currently, Mexico It is the habitat of about 2000 species of differentiated bees. The economic importance of these insects is such that it is estimated that 75% of the world's food crops depend on bees to carry out the pollination. For that very reason, in collaboration with federal authorities, in Mexico the selection and genetic improvement program for bees is promoted.

Today Mexico It is one of the countries with the greatest wealth in terms of bees. It is also one of the countries with more dependent families of these insects. It is estimated that more than 50.000 beekeepers deal with bees produce honey, directly or indirectly.

What do you think? Did you know this facet of Mexico? Without a doubt, his work with bees is one of the most interesting in the country due to the importance and scarcity of these curious insects.
