Home News The onion that doesn't make you cry

The onion that doesn't make you cry

Although Sunions has been on the market for almost a year now, the onion that doesn't make you cry is beginning to be known in Spanish markets. These days, a promotional campaign has been started in the main Spanish wholesale markets to make it better known and to help market it.

sunions, as is its name, is a variety of yellow onion and is the first sweet onion that doesn't make you cry available on the market. It is the result of more than three decades of continuous improvement efforts that are completely natural and without any type of genetic modification by the multinational Basf. Its benefit is that while regular onions tend to get spicier in storage, this variety gets milder and sweeter over time.

The Sunions onion variety is grown mainly in Castilla y León, La Mancha and Andalusia. It is perfect both for salads and for stir-fries and preparations in the kitchen. It is a sweet, soft and tasty onion that does not sting, which makes it very versatile in the kitchen to cook all kinds of recipes.

No more crying with the onion

This onion, which originates from the Basf Nunhems variety, which also sells its seeds, was born out of a consumer need. This requested to be able to have on the market a variety of onion that did not cause irritation to the eyes and did not cause tears. In addition, being a sweet onion, it does not cause heartburn, it feels good in the stomach and does not cause bad breath.

With the Sunions variety, the multinational Basf continues to improve vegetable varieties as he has done on other occasions. This time he has also done it thinking about what the consumer was asking for. A rich onion that avoids tears when cooking and that is of quality.

