Home Beers Gluten-free beers: a new must-have?

Gluten-free beers: a new must-have?

All the  gluten free beers have become a "must-have» from the big brewing companies. Most of them have a version. gluten-free from his "best sellers«. It is the case of Mahou, for example, with his famous Mahou Five Stars suitable for coeliacs or the San Miguel Special gluten free. Other brands like Alhambra, IPA, DouGall's, Estrella Galicia damn, among others.

A flavor like Mahou Cinco Estrellas should be able to be enjoyed by all palates. For this reason, we created Mahou Cinco Estrellas Gluten Free, all the Cinco Estrellas flavor suitable for coeliacs.

gluten free beers
Gluten-free beers/Source: El Español

Gluten-free beers: a new market

Why is it important to sue? gluten free beers? In the first place, for the celiac group they represent a great alternative to beer made from cereals that contain gluten, such as wheat or the barley. Secondly, the interest of companies in this type of product improves the quality of life of celiacs since they have less difficulty finding food or drinks gluten-free. Still, to this day, finding a restaurant 100% gluten free it's very complicated. However, it is a big step that the gluten free beers are accessible in bars and supermarkets.

Do they taste the same?

The truth is that there are hardly any differences between the taste of a beer with gluten-free. The formulas used ensure that the flavor is as authentic as possible. Some use a cold beer stabilizer to remove gluten and also serve to clarify the beer. However, the result is a cloudiness of the beer. For that reason, an enzyme called «clarex brewers" (composed by protease), a stabilization technology, which breaks down the gluten in malted barley without affecting the shape and texture of the beer.

