Home News Vegan eggs: consequence of the war?

Vegan eggs: consequence of the war?

Many times we have talked about how people are increasingly reluctant to consume meat-based foods. If you add to that the distribution problems of certain products. We are almost forced to an artificial and vegetable production of classic and traditional elements. This is exactly what is happening with the appearance of vegan eggs. We are aware that it sounds weird, but they are 100% real. we tell you everything.

Vegan Eggs: New Normal?

The recent Russian invasion attempt on Ukraine has brought with it multiple national and international disasters. One of them is the agricultural production losses and the closure of farms. What has not only led to the ruin of many professionals, but also to the end of the export market with other countries. One of the most affected is Israel, since 30% of its imported eggs They came from Ukraine. Given this and with the rise of refusals to meat consumption vegan eggs have emerged as an alternative.

Moreover, several reports and studies on this subject predict that by 2031 sales of this product will reach 3.300 million euros. With this objective several Israeli companies have developed several brands: Zero Eggs, I! Egg, Egg `n' Up and Eggmented Reality. The first, the most popular, focuses on creation of eggs based on vegetable proteins. In this way, it presents two variables: liquid and in the form of a hamburger, both options in frozen formats.

vegan eggs
fried eggs / source: pexels

In addition, it is a food created in a lab whose image is identical and perfectly imitates the real one. Of course, it has half the calories of traditional eggs. In addition, it lacks cbad cholesterol!

The information that we have provided in other articles, plus this and many external views only increase our degree of certainty that the future will be vegetable. And it is not surprising that this is so. well they turn out a lot more sustainable for the environment and even some are also healthier. Like, for example, these vegan eggs. And you? Do you think that meat foods have their days numbered or do you think it is exaggerated?
