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Label: Nutriscore

Europe slows down Nutri-Score

The Nutri-Score nutritional labeling system is stopped to test it and evaluate its continuity

Enviroscore: the new environmental label

What is Envirocore? A labeling system in 5 scales (A, B, C, D and E) that identifies the environmental impact of food and beverages. Its main objective is to promote a...

Junk food tax, among others

The tax on junk food was announced by Alberto Garzón, Minister of Consumption, just a few weeks after taking office. Since then,...

What are the healthiest cookies on the market?

The OCU has published a list of the healthiest cookies on the market. Take a look and discover which cookies are the most recommended for your diet

Labeled Eco Score, Real Alternative?

Thanks to the Eco Score labeling you can know the ecological footprint of many products, something that makes it an effective method. How does it work?

The seals of quality, better than Nutriscore

Products with PGI or PDO raise their voices before the labeling system that can penalize them. Why are these quality labels more positive?

Olive oil against coronavirus: another benefit of liquid gold?

It has already been shown to be beneficial for other diseases; the efficacy of olive oil against the coronavirus is now being studied

Nutriscore labeling, a story of failure?

The last media chapter for olive oil to be excluded from this Nutriscore labeling shows certain imperfections of this system

Controversy with Nutriscore: why you don't like it

The implementation of a single nutritional identification system for foods is creating discrepancies in the different European countries. There is controversy with Nutriscore.

El CoCo App to buy and eat healthy

This mobile application allows you to scan food to find out its nutritional quality. The El CoCo app is based on the Nutriscore and NOVA systems.