Home News The resurgence of the macrobiotic diet

The resurgence of the macrobiotic diet

The macrobiotic diet is a dietary approach based on the principles of balance and harmony, with roots in Eastern philosophy, especially Japanese tradition. This diet focuses on the consumption of whole, natural foods, and is believed to promote physical and spiritual health. Here are some key features of the macrobiotic diet:

Equilibrio yin-yang: The macrobiotic diet is based on the concept of balance between the Yin and Yang principles, according to Taoist philosophy. Yin represents expansion and relaxation, while Yang represents contraction and activity. We seek to balance these aspects through diet to promote health.

Fresh and local foods: Preference is given to fresh, local and seasonal foods. The macrobiotic diet emphasizes the consumption of foods grown in the region and adaptable to the local climate.

Whole grains: Whole grains, especially brown rice, form the basis of the macrobiotic diet. Whole grains are believed to provide sustained and balanced energy.

Vegetables: Green leafy vegetables, cruciferous vegetables and other vegetables are essential in the diet. The consumption of a variety of vegetables is promoted to ensure a wide range of nutrients.

Vegetables: Legumes, such as beans and lentils, are an important source of protein in the macrobiotic diet.

Algae: Seaweed, such as kombu seaweed and nori, are often included due to their high mineral content.

Avoid extreme foods: It is recommended to avoid extreme foods, such as very spicy, extremely cold or very hot foods. It is also advisable to limit the consumption of highly processed and refined foods.

Moderation in animal proteins: While some versions of the macrobiotic diet allow limited amounts of fish, poultry, and occasionally red meat, moderation and a preference for plant proteins are emphasized.

Food preparation: It is suggested to cook food simply, preferably steamed, boiled or sautéed. The excessive use of oils is avoided and the nutritional integrity of foods is sought to be preserved.

Awareness and gratitude: The macrobiotic diet not only focuses on food, but also on awareness and gratitude for food. Practitioners are encouraged to be mindful of what they eat and grateful for the foods they consume.

It is important to note that the macrobiotic diet can vary in its principles depending on the individual interpretation and specific needs of each person. Before adopting any diet, especially ones with significant restrictions, it is advisable to consult a health professional or nutritionist to ensure that all nutritional needs are met.
