Home Gastronomy Keto diet: discovering ketosis

Keto diet: discovering ketosis

You know the keto diet? There is a way to accelerate the burning of fat if you eat very few carbohydrates. Is this healthy? Isn't this the paleo diet? Discover the secrets of ketosis in this article. Let's see what benefits and what negative consequences it can have. Ahead!

Miracle diet?

Is the keto diet? Our first step will be to understand what it is. Very roughly we can define it as a diet with little presence of carbohydrates. The intake of these should not exceed 20-50 grams daily. Thus, with this minimal contribution is how it is possible to enter into a state of cetosis. When we have hardly consumed carbohydrates for a while, the body depletes the energy reserves coming from these.

This is because the muscles are nourished, first of all, by the Blood glucose. Once exhausted, the next step will be for the liver transform fatty acids into ketone bodies. These are organisms that the human body also uses as a source of energy.

Aged meat / keto diet
Matured meat | Source: Saia.es

Keto diet benefits

It can be useful, well managed, for those who want to lose weight. With it you accelerate the fat burning, since they become the main fuel for your muscles. In addition, you prevent the untapped energy from carbohydrates from accumulating in the form of fat. As if that were not enough, diets rich in fat and protein are more satiating. So, you won't feel like snacking all the time. It is also beneficial for those looking to lose fat in order to define muscle.


Following this diet in the long term can be a problem due to the rapid imbalance to which the body is subjected. For this reason, it is usually used for short-term objectives. In extreme cases the keto diet May cause ketoacidosis. This is the cure phenomenon takes place when ketone bodies -acids- lower the pH level of the blood, causing it to be more acidic.

Nuts are an important part of the keto diet / Source: Pixabayto

This negatively affects the organs. Its consequences range from bad breath al cerebral edema going through Orion trouble, nausea and cramps. Due to all the aforementioned mismatch, it is also not recommended for people with impaired thyroid, kidney, liver o pancreas. It should also be avoided by people with diabetes or eating disorders.

Differences from the Paleo Diet

If you read our article on the paleolithic diet Limiting carbohydrates may sound familiar to you. If you have not read it, you are already reading it. The truth is that the keto diet differs from the paleo diet in that the latter accepts a greater number of carbohydrates. The source of these are certain fruits and vegetables. Thus, we define ketogenic as that consisting of 60-75% fat, 25-30% protein y 5-10% carbohydrates. Our recommendation is that you try it if you are interested, but after a very long investigation and a consultation with your doctor.
