Home News The most harmful cocoa cream for the planet

The most harmful cocoa cream for the planet

We all like Nocilla, the Nutella and the chocolate Ferrero. It is a very typical custom in Spain to spread some of these creams on toast for a snack or breakfast. However, we are often unaware of the consecuencias environmental of what we eat. Today we will talk to you about how harmful may be a cocoa cream for our planet. We tell you!

“Organic” cocoa cream?

Nocilla has brought out a new variety of its famous milk, cocoa, hazelnut and sugar cream. Is about Nocilla: Hazelnut milk. A variant of the delicious snack that seeks to give a twist to the classic flavor of this product. This is how this variety came about which, according to users who have tried it, tastes like kinder good. And one of the most striking attractions that this cream has is the absence of Palm oil in its composition.

You may wonder why we tell you this in this article. As well. It turns out that the French Minister of Ecology, Ségolène Royal, made some curious statements on June 17. His words were: «we must stop consuming Nutella to save the planet. This is a very surprising ruling that seems to be left once again in the hands of those who less they pollute the task of reducing global warming.

Toast spread in Nutella
Toast spread in Nutella | Source: Pixabay

However, there is a compelling reason for these statements. The great argument lies in the famous palm oil, One principales ingredients that contribute to the deforestation of the planet. France is the largest consumer of Nutella in the world, but at the same time, it is the country in which the most efforts have been made to stop the increase in obesity and the environmental damage of the product. In 2011, a Bill was presented that intended to apply a tax that taxed palm oil at 300%. It was known as Nutella Law.

Greenpeace's position

For its part, Greenpeace has been positioned in a curious way facing this matter. Despite the fact that palm oil is considered one of the great enemies of the forests, the naturalistic company has positioned itself against the boycott of Nutella. Greenpeace points out that Nutella is just one example of the damage this oil does to the planet, but it is not the whole problem. They have exposed to point out exclusively to a product is not a good idea.

Greenpeace workers against the harmful part of palm oil
Greenpeace workers against the harmful part of palm oil | Source: Greenpeace

That does not mean that Greenpeace is encouraging us to consume the cream of Ferrero. It only points out the fact that it would not be beneficial to focus all the blame on one unique entity. In this way, once Nutella removed palm oil from its products, the feeling would be that the problem is over. It is not like this!

In addition, among other reasons, the environmental organization states that Nutella is not a company that is resist to change their way of producing. In fact, it's the opposite. Ferrero is making several advances to make a more respectful with the ecosystem. They are currently in deals with suppliers that operate with environmental responsibility.

The harmful part of Ferrero

However, palm oil is not the only practical harmful in which Ferrero is involved. His recent marketing operation "Ti amo Italia" has not been well received in the country. The Biodistrict Via Amerina and Le Forre has denounced the impact negative that excessive hazelnut monocultures have on the environment. Especially due to the extensive and excessive use of pesticides.

Harmful to the environment overcooked hazelnuts/cream of cocoa
Hazelnuts annealed in an environmentally harmful way | Source: floresyplantas.net (pinterest.com)

Ferrero has promoted the intensive monoculture of hazelnuts in entire areas of Tuscia without doing anything, in the protocols and in the concrete action, to avoid the poisoning of soil, water and air with agrochemicals. Italy is the second supplier of hazelnuts in the world and Ferrero the primer hazelnut user on the planet. It remains to be seen how they will resolve these controversies that worsen the condition of a planet that belongs to all of us.

And you? Did you know these policies on Nutella?
