Home News How is the new Flash diet 2020?

How is the new Flash diet 2020?

After the Christmas, either because of the feasts on those dates or because of one of the New Year's resolutions, many people mark the weight loss goal. That's when the plans for it come into play and one of them may be the new Flash diet 2020, of which the Dr. Manuel Jiménez Ucero has published books. If we contextualize it, it is an eating plan based on the proteins, in line with other Diets and Keto. ButHow is it really and why does the aforementioned doctor recommend it? Are there expert voices that disagree with this type of proposal? We answer all these questions below.

Protein diet as a base

In many cases, diets based on protein intake have demonstrated the effectiveness of this type of diet that focuses on the foods that contain the most this nutrient. Always with the ultimate goal of losing weight. Of course, you cannot change in a sudden and disorderly way to a plan that reduce the consumption of carbohydrates and fats. That's when you should know how is the new Flash diet, It divides the whole process into different stages so that your health is not diminished. Or, at least, that's how its main defenders 'sell' it.

flash diet book cover
Book cover / Photo: mundodelibros

These types of protein meal plans come, for the most part, from our neighboring country: France. The idea of ​​helping you lose kilos is based on the ketosis state the body enters when it is forced to use the fat as an energy source. Then some of these Diets they include the use of substitutes for normal dishes, through high-protein meals.

The book of Dr. Manuel Jiménez Ucero

In May 2019, the book 'The New Flash Diet 2020', from the doctor Manuel Jimenez Ucero, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona. Previously he had published other volumes talking about this very specific subject, but this has been his last update. As recounted in the synopsis of his work, more than 30 million people all over the world have benefited from such a diet. The doctor affirms that he is "very close to weight loss perfection" because this type of plan "is the best instrument for controlling excess weight and its harmful effects."

Thus, he explains that normoprotein diet it is "healthy, usually directed by a professional who corrects large deviations from the weight curve."

So what does the new Flash diet look like?

Before defining well how is the new Flash diet, It is convenient to take into account some previous aspects, cited by its defenders. The first is that it can be perfectly followed (and without expert tutelage) by people who want to lose weight less than 10 kilos. For cases of greater loss, it is advisable to have the advice of a nutritionist. Secondly, it should be noted that it achieves a rapid weight loss in just one month, although in men the result is more effective.

how is the new Flash diet
Woman on a weight

Then, it is important that you know that it is a regimen to follow without discomfort or hunger. In addition, it offers recipes ideal for eating healthy every day, avoiding those headaches with each meal plan. Once all this is known, the flash diet is divided into four phases with high, medium and slow reduction targets, before the final stage:

  • The first consists of a high performance loss of kilos, through the exclusive consumption of green vegetables and protein varied. Fruits, cereals and legumes are eliminated.
  • Then, the next stage maintains that consumption protein but gradually introduces dairy products and some proteins of animal origin, as well as foods banned before.
  • Already in the third phase, other crossed out foods are reincorporated.
  • Finally, food maintenance arrives for avoid rebound effect to follow the plan. Here the concepts of what to eat and at what timeas well as the cadence between meals.

In short, it tries to get the body used to "new healthy habits and longevity," says in his book Dr. Jiménez Ucero.

boiled eggs
Boiled eggs with carrot

It is not positive, according to the IMEO

From the European Medical Institute of Obesity (IMEO), Ruben Bravo, one of the dietitian spokesmen, thinks that this diet would be within the so-called "miracle and makes claims out of the law." It refers to that promise of weight loss between 7 and 10 kilos per month. In addition, remember that these meal plans "have been in the market for several decades, while they have proven ineffective in the medium and long term."

«It is anti-social, unhealthy and with an almost guaranteed rebound effect. In addition, it can cause nutritional deficiencies, replaced by pills of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. It carries risks such as constipation, halitosis, dry skin, hair loss, kidney problems, insomnia or loss of muscle mass »

Therefore, is this positive new Flash diet after some doctors recommend and defend it, but other experts are detractors of following it?
