Home Fruits and vegetables Kohlrabi: the peculiar versatile superfood

Kohlrabi: the peculiar versatile superfood

El kohlrabi It is not just the cross between cabbage and radish, as the name suggests. Below we explain the possibilities offered by this product whose consumption is gaining strength. Everything that is labeled under the name of superfood online attracts crowds of curious buyers. As if that were not enough, this food looks so extravagant that it can be more reminiscent of a Pokémon than a vegetable. Get to know it.

A fashionable cruciferous

Another fashion product has arrived in Spain. The curious appearance This food has made it popular and it already has its own crops in the country. So the kohlrabi It is no longer only imported but cultivated in Aragon. You have read correctly since it is about the cross between the with and radish. In fact, it is also known by its German name (kohlrabi), which means the same thing. This food belongs to the family of cruciferous just like other spread vegetables. Brussels sprouts or kale are two other examples.

Kohlrabi cultivation

The one that concerns us today is probably not familiar. However, it is quite popular countries like Germany, Austria y Switzerland. Although it really comes from northeastern Europe, where it was used as food for the livestock. What we eat is the base of the stem thickened in the form of tuber. This usually has a color white, Verde o Red and its size is usually that of a ball of tennis at the time of collection. It has a flavor similar to that of radish.

It turns out to be an alternative crop to the latter food in dry areas. This is because it requires less water and resists inclement weather. It barely reaches the 30 centimeters at harvest time. Nor does it need to be larger because its maturation is so fast that it only requires two months. The farmer should not allow the tubers to develop too much, as there may be too much hard. It is grown throughout the year but its natural harvest time (and when it tastes best) is from July to Novembere. 

kohlrabi cultivation
Kohlrabi cultivation / Source: @dominkucho

High content of vitamin C

El kohlrabi has not obtained its qualification of superfood in vain. Its most notable virtue is its high content of Vitamin C. So high is that eating just one you already get the 102% for the daily dose recommended. Now with the cold it comes great to reinforce the immune system. Also, this is antirust and plays an important role in the absorption of iron.

Another vitamin that it contains, it will sound like the carrot, is the A. This is useful to protect the view and it comes mostly in the leaves of food. We must also refer to the Vitamin K. This favors a good blood clotting. Regarding minerals, the potassium, iron and magnesium. Finally, we can highlight that it is rich in fiber.

purple kohlrabi
Purple kohlrabi / Source: @_Demo_Cook


El kohlrabi it is extremely versatile as well as eye-catching. The first of all will be to decide which one to buy. Therefore, it will be essential to choose the one that weighs more than it appears and that has green leaves. Once selected, the uses are wide. As a fashionable superfood we will not be surprised if we read the ingredients of a Beaten Detox and we found it. Whereas in Germany they give it a completely different use. This fruit is used as an ingredient for soups y purees, which sit great in its icy mountains.

Those who have experience boiling them usually do so for 15 minutes or so. There are also people who peel them, cut them into small pieces, season them and fry as if they were potatoes. Another interesting option is to batter them and make them part of a tempura. It can even bring an interesting flavor to your tortillas. Better still if you combine it with others vegetables and pumpkin. Thus, they can also give a lot of life to salads. Not only in terms of taste but also in terms of color.

kohlrabi, carrot and apple salad with lemon
Kohlrabi, carrot and apple salad with lemon / Source: @ kitikitu75

En EcuadorInstead, they use it in confectionery because of its sweet touch. They grate it and the powder becomes part of the fritters. In the India, on the other hand, they mix it with yogurt and even what smear in bread for breakfast. They do this last use by first mixing it with turmeric, dry mustard, salt, oil and vinegar. The possibilities are endless, as you can see. We encourage you to find the best way to prepare it and take advantage of its versatility to innovate. You will hardly regret it.
