Home News Chinese prehistoric beer funeral rite?

Chinese prehistoric beer funeral rite?

Are you aware of the prehistoric chinese beer? A group of researchers has published in Plos One the evidence that beer was brewed in that country ago nine millennia. What was this drink like? On what kinds of occasions did the ancient Chinese consume it? Don't miss this article on the origins of beer.

Chinese prehistoric beer in the necropolis

Chinese researchers have come to the surprising conclusion that beer was already brewed in their country 9000 years ago. To do this, they analyzed some vessels found in the Quinotou necropolis. These were placed next to the remains of two human beings. The remains of rice beer found in them allowed archaeologists to investigate and thus draw conclusions. They analyzed until a score of vessels of different sizes and eras. In addition to the ingredients of traditional beer.

chinese prehistoric beer
Chinese beer in a bowl / Source: Pixabay

These were, as he explains jiajing wang (study co-author), microfossil residues such as starch, photoliths y mushrooms. They compared them with samples obtained from the soil. They deduced that the photos of the rice husk and other plants could be the leavening agent. The funny thing is that, when the rice was introduced ten thousand years ago, was in an initial cultivation phase. So the collection and processing was very labor intensive. That is why Chinese beer was reserved for very important occasions (such as funeral rituals).

The main ingredients of the beer were identified as rice, Job's tears  and unidentified tubers. It should be noted that they contained mold, which is reminiscent of fungus koji used to prepare sane in Japan. The result was probably a drink sweet and slightly fermented. Also, its color would be cloudy. Millions of brewers are waiting for someone to venture to replicate it. Nothing as interesting as knowing the origins of this drink from the hand of the Chinese prehistoric beer.

