Home Meat See the light 'Meat and health in adults'

See the light 'Meat and health in adults'

Meat and Health

Medicine, doctors and experts in the study of meat have now come together to unify the knowledge. The idea is none other than to make the population aware that meat consumption is positive in the usual diet. This is how it was born 'Meat and Health in adults'. 

" meat It is a fundamental food for humans since it provides protein from high biological value. Also vitamins and minerals necessary for a balanced diet ”.

That is what the president of the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians, José Luis Llisterri. Has already been submitted 'Meat and Health in adults', as a document to inform of its importance.

'Meat and Health in adults', according to experts

El Dr. Llisterri has presented at the headquarters of the General Council of Official Medical Associations of Madrid the publication. It is a document validated by SEMERGEN which is based on the latest scientific evidence on the consumption of meat.

The president of the Medical Society has highlighted that meat is a food necessary and safe. It is synonymous with "quality and guarantee". Its balanced consumption is important within a varied diet as it has essential components for human growth and development.

It has recognized that "medical professionals have not stopped some false myths linked to the consumption of meat. Mainly due to lack of information ”. Therefore, the document presented today pretends to be “a reference guide for objective reporting".

On nutritional and healthy properties of meat to health professionals. Especially primary care physicians. "We are key because of our great capacity for influence, trust and closeness with our patients."

El President SEMERGEN He has commented that primary care doctors spend 900 million consultations a year. So it is essential "a great action at the level of general medicine" to address the "great misinformation." Disinformation that exists around the meat  allowing to neutralize the falsehoods associated with its consumption.
