Home Sea Contributions and benefits of clams

Contributions and benefits of clams

Do you know what the contributions and benefits of clams? In addition to being known for their delicious taste, they have so much more to give you. These tiny mollusks possess excellent nutritional properties thanks to proteins and minerals, above all. They are a widely consumed delicacy and included in many dishes along with other seafood. But they can also be prepared alone, accompanied by a rich salsa.

La clam is a bivalve mollusk that lives in the sandy bottoms of thousands of coasts. Here in Spain there are varieties such as fine clam or chirla, but there are many more species around the world. The maximum size it can reach does not exceed 3,5 centimeters, although some special case has always been found. A curiosity that you may not know is that they move underwater opening and closing its shell in order to gain momentum.

The contributions and benefits of clams: from protein to iron

With only 77 calories in 100 grams clams, these are rich in proteins with up 15, 40 grams within that same amount. Thus, they constitute a very interesting food to gain muscle after training. They are also rich in vitamins A, B3 and B9, especially, although they also contain other types. In addition, they hardly have fat (0,5 grams).

But where they stand out most in those contributions and benefits of clams It is in the high mineral content. For every 100 grams, they add up to 46 milligrams of football, 51 of magnesium, 14 of iron and 314 of potassium. Apart from those most relevant nutrients, they provide iodine, sodium, selenium and zinc.

Thanks to all these properties, clams help to maintain powerful the bones, teeth and the heart. They are also ideal against infectious diseases, since strengthen the immune system. Therefore, they increase the body's defenses and even the addition of iron it is perfect. Consuming that amount of 100 grams, you get the recommended daily level of this mineral. Thus, it is almost the only food anti anemia, thanks to that contribution.

On the other hand, these contributions and benefits of clams do not escape those slimming diets more suitable. The low fat content and the protein richness make this mollusk perfect within a balanced plan, without overdoing it.

Do you want to add more clams to your day to day? You can take them in seafood soups, use them in pasta dishes or also in paellas and rice. Enjoy the exquisite flavor!
