Home Sea Escata, the sauce essence of anchovy

Escata, the sauce essence of anchovy


These days it is being celebrated in Girona the Gastronomic Forum. We want to highlight for our readers one of the awards for the innovative product. His name is Scale. It is a product, or to be more precise, a by-product of the production of salted anchovies.

In the preparation of the anchovies and once they have been cleaned of thorns and head, they are introduced in some containers along with the salt. A weight is placed on them as a pressure and as a result of this, a liquid is released. Thus, a mixture of salt and fish is obtained.

About us Gastro Ventures It is made up of three partners, including the Chef Pere Planagumà. They saw in this liquid an opportunity to develop a different gastronomic product. Thus they have achieved a pairing of these liquids extracted from salted anchovies.

They have given it the name Escala. It is presented in a more liquid format and in a much denser format. In this way it is possible to use it in different elaborations.

It can be used for pairing, meat and fish. Also to line salads, with fried potatoes as an aperitif or with olives. Likewise, to enhance the flavor of fish dishes and paellas.

Escata is the Garum sauce of our days

Scale It is the reinvention, in our days, of the Roman Garum sauce. Its flavor is obviously salty, but the magic of this product is its personality. Changes the taste of other ingredients. Together with the imagination of the cooks, it can help to discover new flavors. Both in traditional and modern dishes.

In addition, Scale it is an example of a circular economy. This liquid was discarded and was difficult to recycle due to its high salt content. With this new sauce you can take advantage of it and turn it into a magnificent great gourmet product.

Gastro Ventures It has been five months since this product has been launched. They are in the initial stages of their commercialization, looking for interested distributors. They have already won two awards for innovation. So, it will certainly open the doors of many kitchens for you.

You can expand the information of Scale in his web page: http://www.escatafood.com/
