Home Coffees, teas and infusions Red tea or Pu-erh, get to know it!

Red tea or Pu-erh, get to know it!

El Red tea is widely known in West, behind green tea It is one of the most consumed in the entire globe. If you love this reddish tea for its peculiar and rich flavor with what we are going to tell you, you will love it even more. From China acquires the name of its native region: Pu-erh. Formerly only the Chinese nobility took it. However, today anyone can consume it at a very affordable price. However, there were always classes. They exist in which 250 grams the thousands of euros. You want to know why? Keep reading!

Benefits and properties of red tea

En general, any tea is a good option, since they are very healthy. First of all because it is an easy way to drink water. It sounds silly, but many people find it difficult to drink the recommended amount of water daily. Secondly, you have a wide range of flavors so it is more difficult to get bored. And, thirdly, the benefits that they contribute to our organism. On this occasion, we will talk about the properties of the Red tea and we are sure that you will be greatly surprised.

Red tea
Red tea/Source: Living well is a pleasure

The quality for which it is most demanded is that it helps reduce weight. Hence he is known as the "fat eater" Helps reduce blood sugar levels. Helps reduce fat content. Thanks to your great antioxidant property, same as the black, green and white tea, combat the free radical, the culprits of cellular oxidation. Therefore, it prevents the formation of tumors and cancer cells. Prevents and lowers cholesterol "evil", stimulates liver metabolism, prevents respiratory diseases and infections and fights sclerosis.

After having read all your benefitsIf you haven't tried it yet, surely you won't be long in doing so. Oh, and its low content in caffeinealso makes it very interesting. And you, do you like red tea?

